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Message ID: 2031
Date: Fri Aug 20 03:05:35 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Named Teant
Last night I met this named npc in SK, con blue to me. This npc drop the
Teant Stave which has Root effect.
Been greedy and impatient, I start by root it and nuke all the way (b4
others see it and start attacking it and when I get the kill call me Kill
Stealer...). Normal teant will die after 500-600 dam nuking but this one,
after nuking for more than 800-1000 dam, is still alive!
After I OOM, die die melee with it, and most tu-long is tat it killed me
with less than 3% HP!!! KNN!!!
Shld I be more patient and cast Leatherskin (give me 200HP), I would have
killed it instead it killed me, sigh.
Been in SK so many times, this is the 1st time I meet this rare spawn.
Just a lesson to share with all - be patient and plan, or we are just
wasting time looting our corpse. And remember server down last night? And
how big SK is? I die ard 15 min b4 server down and lucky managed to get my
corpse back before server down (thanks to my sense direction and loc
skills), otherwise I cannot sleep ;P
Nevertheless I still lost half a bubb xp for this fatal mistake I made -
another 2 hrs hunting in HH. The only good thing is tat, been so moody
after the death, I dun bother to wait for server to come up and play. In
the end sleep at 11pm plus and wake up this morning FRESH AND ENERGETIC!!!
Tonight gonna power train my wiz to 30 b4 the hunts. I will be in HH keep
warrior room early, probably b4 8pm, till morning ;) Die die must lvl!!!!!
Ziltus Planeswalker
Still tu-long over the incident of letting the teant stave 'fly' away from
his hands....