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Message ID: 2030
Date: Fri Aug 20 02:55:17 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Lvl 25-35 Hunting Trips (21/8 and 22/8)

Time - 11pm onwards
Venue - Runnyeye
Assembly - Rivervale Bank
Objective - Borxx's lens (for SOO quest), Black Iron Armors, BI Metallion
Participants - Garren (Tank and Healer)
(Tentative) - Yiyang (Tank and Amuser)
- Leshrec (Nuker)
- Flyingfox (Nuker)
- Ziltus (Nuker)

Time - 2pm onwards (Garren online for 3 days 3 nights, see how long u guys
can TONG)
Venue - Najena
Assembly - Freeport West Gate (NOT West Commonland hor, dun blur)
(have to run thru's Nek forest, hope it's not another corpse looting
session, hehe)
Objective - Jboot, FBR etc
Participants - Garren (Tank and Healer)
(Tentative) - Yiyang (Tank and Amuser)
- Leshrec (Nuker)
- Flyingfox (Nuker)
- Ziltus (Nuker)
- Free Slot (either Sereph or Deadflower, for extra song support and

Any lvl 25 and above who are interested pls reply to list. Note that this
is not the only Najena trip. Most probably I will organise another one next
weekend for those who haven't make lvl 25 this Sun ;) Be patient ah!

Ziltus Planeswalker