More places.
LKW wrote:
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> Been spending 80% of my EQ time earning xp, I'm not familiar with some good
> quests or good camping spots. H/w, I wish to suggest some to all kakis on
> the list so tat they have something to look forward to. Dun get me wrong,
> I'm just suggesting, I'm not going to organise. U guys at the relevant
> lvls must do some work la ;)
> The lvl I state below are consider the 'safety' lv, ie it shld be quite
> safe to fight those mob which drop the artifacts. Solo is STILL possible
> but I would suggest at least a grp of 3 (depending on ya char class/race).
> Afterall, the fun comes from hunting as a group mah ;)
> Lvl 30-35
> - Runney Eye (SOO quest, black armor, BI Medallion)
> - HH Keep warrior room (all bronze armors)
> - Permafrost - Outer zone (all bronze amors, Ice Crystal Staff)
> - Najena (FBR, JBoot, bloodclaw, etc etc)
- Unrest (Goss parts and Savant's cap)
- Mistmoore (Crested things)
> Lvl 25-30
> - Lake Rathetear (Water Crystal Staff) (not sure wat tat lvl 30+ Froglok
> Prince drop)
> - Bafallen lvl 3 (Thug robe, Goss Robe, BBC)
> - HH Pass (PGT, Traveller Bag, SBH)
- Eye of Solusek (Charred Armor)
- Mistmoore (Lupine armor)
> Lvl 20-25
> - CrushBone (Screaming Mace quest, Dirk, SBS, BoB, Dwarven Tunic,
> Taskmaster earring)
> - Paw/Lake Rathetear - Gnoll camp (Cryknife, JT Skull, RTS, Bone earring)
> - Upper Guk (Protection from Undead Collar, Woven/Mesh/Des armor)
- Unrest - Small bronze
> Lvl 15-20
> - Swamp (Netted armors)
- Beholder's maze (Mino axes)
> All contribution welcome.
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