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Message ID: 1954
Date: Thu Aug 19 04:04:28 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Proposal for Grp Hunt

Been spending 80% of my EQ time earning xp, I'm not familiar with some good
quests or good camping spots. H/w, I wish to suggest some to all kakis on
the list so tat they have something to look forward to. Dun get me wrong,
I'm just suggesting, I'm not going to organise. U guys at the relevant
lvls must do some work la ;)

The lvl I state below are consider the 'safety' lv, ie it shld be quite
safe to fight those mob which drop the artifacts. Solo is STILL possible
but I would suggest at least a grp of 3 (depending on ya char class/race).
Afterall, the fun comes from hunting as a group mah ;)

Lvl 30-35
- Runney Eye (SOO quest, black armor, BI Medallion)
- HH Keep warrior room (all bronze armors)
- Permafrost - Outer zone (all bronze amors, Ice Crystal Staff)
- Najena (FBR, JBoot, bloodclaw, etc etc)

Lvl 25-30
- Lake Rathetear (Water Crystal Staff) (not sure wat tat lvl 30+ Froglok
Prince drop)
- Bafallen lvl 3 (Thug robe, Goss Robe, BBC)
- HH Pass (PGT, Traveller Bag, SBH)

Lvl 20-25
- CrushBone (Screaming Mace quest, Dirk, SBS, BoB, Dwarven Tunic,
Taskmaster earring)
- Paw/Lake Rathetear - Gnoll camp (Cryknife, JT Skull, RTS, Bone earring)
- Upper Guk (Protection from Undead Collar, Woven/Mesh/Des armor)

Lvl 15-20
- Swamp (Netted armors)

All contribution welcome.