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Message ID: 1854
Date: Tue Aug 17 09:53:34 BST 1999
Author: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
Subject: Re: Abit bout the guild thing.

until they implement something like UO guildwar stuff... dont think theres any point in guildwar besides steal killing each other mobs... wat kinda guildwar u want? duel? pls lah... if they dont think they can win... they wanna fight u meh?

----- Original Message -----
From: Entreri
To: sg-everquest@onelist.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Abit bout the guild thing.

Hey..thats boring..I want GUILDWAR..ahh the world would not be fun w/o it :P


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-----Original Message-----
From: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy <sccheng@...>
To: SG-Everquest Mailing List <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 8:57 AM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Abit bout the guild thing.

Hi guys,
sorry for being able to show up for the last hunt for stuff, mainly bcos my office folks decided to stay in the office until KNN 3.40am in the fucking morning (thats on last friday nite). I cant imagine why they wanna be so damn hardworking.

Im glad that finally some stuff are being done about the guild thing and we are gonna have a guild of our own and no more jerks in the guild. i will be quitting my current guild this friday or sat when i get online and join u guys as soon as i can get. from then, i will not be doing anything (no more camping since i wasted many fucking hours camping for the jboots and no gain except for a dagger - better than nothing i guess since the dagger is said to be more rare) BUT power leveling. I will get to level 30 asap or even more and will not be stopping until i am happy with my level. It seems to be that when u have the level, camping any shit will be easy and you dont have to rely on anyones help.

some stuff bout the guild charter.
1. when a SOS (not to be abused) is being sent (e.g., such that a person died in a terrible spot and impossible to get back, then everyone is online and is capable MUST BE there to help irregardless of what dman thing u r doing).
2. i also suggest someone to be in-charge of hunts and stuff (one of the officers, thats i propose Ziltus and one other person).
3. As for banking and equipment, i propsed those 2 person, instead of using their banks, get them to create a char just for the purpose of banking. So it will be easier for them to keep track of money and stuff and those money is not to be abused. We can have a store of items and LOAN them to members in the guild (e.g., RTS and other stuff), when these members are capable of geting one, they will return it or pass it to another member requiring it.

NOTE: i have a slightly crazy idea bout something. Instead of creating one guild, we will form 2 guilds. one for lower levels, one higher. All our low level chars will form one and high level another. maybe level 1-20 one guild, 20 upwards another (or maybe even make it level 30). This way, we can recruit newbies and train them the way of our guild. if our guild is active all the time and is nice to all of the folks, i dont believe there is any reason for them to quit the guild. That will continue to point 4.

4. We will help lower levels folks to break spwan and stuff BUT it doesnt mean helping them to kill all the stuff and let them loot for many many hours. Crap stuff like RTS i say it doesnt hurt to let most members have, BUT if we are talking bout FBRs or more useful items as we gain more power, then that we must state a certain level or unless they can get it themselves (usually this is a few levels b4 they can get it themselves).

5. i have also by chance came to talk to the guildmaster of Disciples of Discord. All members are red (PvP). So if any members decided to be funny with the guild or spoil the reputation of the guild then they will be hunted down for the rest of their fucking EQ lives That i believe is somewhat good protection, but it requires members to be PvP and ourselves to be also which is a bad thing or good thing. IF ANY MEMBERS CREATE TROUBLE FOR THE GUILD, THEY ARE BANNED FROM THE GUILD. NOT REMOVED.so they wont have their other chars pretend and join our guild again and get to cheat the guild and stuff.

6. we certainly dont want war with other guilds. if we dont steal kills and stuff i dont forsee a guildwar happening.

7. Make it unique, maybe someone that wants to be officer or elder or watever u call that, he must be highly nominated by 2/3 of the elder/ officer council OR he can gain it by challenging one to a duel and WIN IT. =) some pvp action. if the guild gets large enough, we can have some sort of arena fights n stuff.

8. ok i said enough, now bloody feedback for all i have said...

Nicademous Daemonbane
Level 22 Dark Elf Necromancer
p/s: cant imagine i went on a camping trip and gain one level =) and also found some true friends and jerks...

SC Cheng, Freddy
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