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Message ID: 1835
Date: Tue Aug 17 06:26:29 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Something bout Specialization.

My spec evoke is lvl ceiling of 150 now, and the other spec are STILL
rising. Hope this solve ya doubt ;)

And YES, I'm one of those crazy folks that spend one night nuking myself
and med to max up all the 7 casting skills, either every lvl or every
circle I achieve ;)


p/s: U can train fishing, hiding, forage food etc when u cast ;)
On Tuesday, 17 August, 1999 12:45 PM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
[SMTP:sccheng@...] wrote:
> When one of them hit 51, the rest of them will not increase anymore? i
believe ziltus ask this question b4... but since i have one of them in the
40s, i should know bout it and start working on something, otherwise the
rest will not increase anymore... so ziltus dont tell me u just spend one
bloody day do nothing but just keep casting spells?
> cheers,
> Nic
> SC Cheng, Freddy
> Mobile-Internet Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory,
> NTT DoCoMo R&D Center C212,
> 3-5, Hikari no Oka, Yokosuka-Shi,
> Kanagawa, 239-8536, Japan
> Tel : +81 468-40-3497
> Fax: +81 468-40-3788
> Email : sccheng@...
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