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Message ID: 1833
Date: Tue Aug 17 05:31:29 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: Water staff at lake

Just logged off from Lake at 12:30 pm.

The "spirit of the moon" guild was having a roll on "Webclaw Murkwave" , it
kept spawning at the 3 bird towers about 10 mins apart..
Its was killed like 12 times alredi.

I think they r still here now, u might get a free water -staff if u make it
there on time and look for "Arthtmyst" the guy in "Spirit of the moon"
all his ppl should have one by now.. about 10 of them there. Talk to him
nice , maybe he give u one. :).


-----Original Message-----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 11:08 AM
Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] Discussion on group hunting events

>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>On Monday, 16 August, 1999 6:33 PM, Sereph [SMTP:garford@...]
>> >> We always sway lah, either no death no loot, or a lot of death little
>But come to think of it, I guess we can avoid such 'swayness' most of the
>time. ;)
>> >>No cash, pay simi? Better don't promise money to Garren, else if we
>> have enough money to pay, all our female characters, other than Aaleku
>> obvious reasons, are doom. He's a damn pimping Paladin for Tunare's sake!
>Hehe not pay full amt la, but at least show some nominal appreciation mah.
> If u lvl 1 and ask Garren to camp SOO for u, he where got so free, hehe.
>> >> Well, the last Rathetear hunt, we were quite puntual, if not for the
>> freaking crash of NK. Generally, we are quite Punctual for day 1 of most
>> Day 2 is a different affair altogether.
>This is really unavoidable 'sway'. FF and I kena EQ crash and have to
>reinstall and re-download all patches, took us almost an hr ;( That's the
>2nd gate spell I cast, I thought my gate so powerful that it crashed NK,
>> >>Think we hot blooded youngsters as patient as you old mans ah? We
>bored, find
>> something to do liao, heck care about you ;)
>Then what is the objective for the hunt? If we organised a camping event,
>then camp lor. Otherwise make it an adventuring event.
>> >>To prevent this from happening, we should always have a non-meditating
>> aka monks, bards, rogues and warriors during a camp to look for spawn.
>Actually not necessary always, coz we can invis ourselves and med. If we
>got for those fixed number mob, fixed spawning rate hunting spot, it's
>always more than enuff time to get fully med and rest b4 the next spawn.
> This sentence dun apply to those dungeons or random spawn region.
>> >> Agree, but, the problem with us right now is that we are freaking
>> disorganise. Most of the times, we have rojak groups, with huge level
>> difference, due to lack of participation of other kakis.
>Tat's why I mentioned, categorise the hunting lvl. If it's a lvl 30 mob,
>just open it for the lvl 30 & above kakis. If it's a lvl 10 hunt, open to
>those lvl 10 and above (high lvl can join if they choose to help) and
>invite 1 or 2 high lvl to help.
>As for participation, I think our kakis are the active bunch in QHD. So far
>we can get at least 1 full group for the events. ;)
>> >> Prepare your group gate at all times loh, tanks gonna die, GG first,
>> later.
>My gate spell cost 300 mana. Wiz can be act as the last resort for
>fleeing, just make sure
>- No mob disturb me during the 10-15 second casting (yes, gate spell got
>the longest casting time).
>- I have enuff mana (in fact I advise all casters to at least reserve 1
>bubb mana for self gating out, and 2 bubb if u can cast party gate spell).
>If wiz cannot gate out, it will be a "I DIE U ALL DIE" situation, hehe.
>Another concern I have is the limited spell slots.
>My 8 spell icons are:
>- 1st nuke (120 dam, for finishing running mob)
>- 2nd nuke (180 dam, for doing last kill if mob not running yet left ard 1
>bubb HP and save mana)
>- 3rd nuke (260 dam, for normal hunting)
>- Major shield (rise HP and AC)
>- Shield
>- Root
>- Gate (last resort for myself)
>As u can see, all the above r essential for my survival and hunting. If I
>replace last slot with party gate, I can not longer gate myself out when
>the party gate fail or low mana. ;(
>So unless it's like the ROO tactics I mentioned, where wiz main task is tp
>party gate once we kill and loot oracle, portal spell never shown on my
>normal spell icon slots.
>> >> Only 2 cents? So cheapskate? at least give S$2 lah
>Be humble ma, hehe.
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