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Message ID: 1770
Date: Fri Aug 13 20:42:28 BST 1999
Author: Tommy Fong
Subject: Re: WCS/RTS/JKS Hunt (Lake Rathetear)

Hmmm....... Where are u!????

On Thu, 12 Aug 1999 19:23:10 +0800, Alex wrote:

>From: "Alex" <leealex@...>
>I like the way u put the whole em' thingy together.
>SO ..when we start.
>Hopefully not to big a crowd. and this time anyone disobey orders or ACT out
>on thiers own will get CHOP !
>U have my support as usual. Pls do understand my on-line time limitation.
>I should be able to help 1-2 ppl to lvl up on the Avaiks hunt after or b4
>the expedition
>Webclaw spawn at the Avaik Guard Platform with the tower as u mentioned. He
>cast AOE Shock spell. It cons blue to me when i was 23rd lvl and i Could'nt
>take him down, he's highly overpowered with skin that absorbs 90 % of my
>hits.. I have to feign death to live. Let me tank this shithead and u
>casters can cast and nuke him at a distant.
>Im currently at lake with Feese..aka Sereph and should be there r a while
>Monk at Lake Rathne.

Good Hunting,

FlyingFox Everest, Level 28 Magician