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Message ID: 1580
Date: Fri Aug 6 04:32:59 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Power Training Guide on Bind Wound
Just made Ziltus a master wound binder last night at skill 100. Every
bandaging will now heal around 50HP till the target is 50% HP. FYI
bandaging only work when ya health is below 50% (otherwise cleric will be
out of job). Nevertheless it still great in reducing risk and downtime for
all classes.
This skill is especially useful if u are a soloing non-healers, and it's my
only source of healing when I soloing. From skill 0 to 100, I have used up
less than 3 full bags of bandages (u may use up more due to ya INT). 1
bandage is 5sp plus, a roll of 20 is 1pp, 3 full bags is 24 rolls of 24pp
only. All u need is to spend 1 night, nuke yaself to below 50% and use the
skill on yaself. For those who cannot nuke, u can try jumping off from
height and get yaself hurted (try wood elf city?).
For me, I nuke myself in Felwithe (please do it in a quiet corner, or pple
start pointing u as a SM manic) and use the skill on myself. I do it for 1
night, ard 2-3 hrs I think, and max it out to skill 100. Once I reach 100,
I try to use another 2 rolls of bandage but it dun seem to rise anymore.
Anyone can enlighten me as to whether this skill use lvl ceiling or strict
100 cap? Thx.
Master Smith, Master Medic, Master Swimmer, Master Brewer, Masters of all
casting skills and Master in Specialization of Evoke.
P/s: For all the magi out there, there is NO reason for not maxing this
skills with ya summon bandages spell. For all others, be nice to magi, u
can max out this skill FOC or at a much lower cost if u have a magi to help
u out. ;)
P/s: YY the SM manic can train this skill anywhere he want, since he is a
well-known SM King liao. Probably he dun need since the bald heads got
their own self-healing skill at certain lvl. Bards also dun need since
they got healing song. But if u got extra 24pp to spend, no harm maxing
this skill (u can sing mana song and heal at same time, or sing and bind
wound to speed up the healing process). When training others w/o grouping,
at least u can use this skill to heal ya trainee and reduce his downtime.
Btw, rumor say if u group for healing and disband, u will still get the
group xp instead of solo xp, not sure if it's true.
P/s: I wonder if a bald head wanna train this skill, yet he cant nuke
himself and wont get hurted when he jump from height (safe fall skill), how
can he power train this skill? EQ shld allow players to crash their balls
so tat the bald head, if need to play SM, can hurt themselves by squeezing
their own balls, hahahahaha ;P