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Message ID: 1579
Date: Fri Aug 6 04:15:19 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Starting a new char

WAH, so shiok ah, better than cleric liao. ;) Hmm, in that case enchanter
shld be abt to lvl quite fast right? U cast DoT on mob and blur them...can
this way works? Amg all casters, I think enchanters has the most RP
elements. Their spells make them the most welcome caster for grouping.

Somehow I still prefer a HE wiz, but having 2 HE wiz really make no sense,
hehe. I might go for druid (worry abt killing animal), ranger (same thing)
or shaman (I like the dd and buff spells, they r cool. Only problem is the
wulu wulu snow land hunting). Meantime let me lvl my Ziltus to a lvl which
I can get kick ass stuffs for my new char 1st. Kinda shi-pai (failure) if I
cant even lvl my 1st EQ char to the stage where he can gate the party all
over the place ;)

Once I can get cool stuffs for my new char, I will make a REAL KILLING
MACHINE, hehehehe....


On Friday, 06 August, 1999 11:00 AM, Ebon Praetor
[SMTP:kelc@...] wrote:
> From: "Ebon Praetor" <kelc@...>
> > If I were to start a new wiz in Innoruuk, anyone wanna hunt with me? ;)
> Enchanters are very good for helping newbie wizards to level; Just
> one word, Mesmerise.
> You nuke, I mez, mob stand there blur blur... you nuke again, I
> mez again, mob stand there blur again, you nuke... blah blah blah...
> You get the idea... no spell interruption for you AT ALL...
> --
> Love is in the air...
> Get me a gas mask, quick!!!
> Cya,
> Praetor
> Praetor@...
> ICQ 1767778
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