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Message ID: 1570
Date: Fri Aug 6 02:42:42 BST 1999
Author: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
Subject: Re: Power Leveling Trainer

As far as i can remember from those necro boards, necros (cant remember
which level) can solo a 2 bird site all by himself... using the following
1. send pet to one...
2. cast DOT...
3. cast fear on another...
4. kill one as fast as possible...
5. then kill the other when it comes back...

after level 20... necros get a spell call allure of death that allows us to
convert HP to mana and since our Siphon Life spells can damage n heal
ourselves... this technique somewat works - as i believe...

have yet to try... n personally i think i will try a 1 bird and test out its
ability b4 i try the 2 bird site...


----- Original Message -----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Friday, August 06, 1999 10:16 AM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Power Leveling Trainer

> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> No doubt my current Wiz is of low INT amg all other casters, but he seem
> solo pretty well. Normally I use root and nuke (with my most powerful
> spell) tactics. But when the mob resist my root for the 2nd time, I will
> switch to melee and nuke (with my 2nd most powerful spell, 40% less dam,
> 40% less mana but cast much faster). And surprisingly, I still managed to
> survive in Lake Rathetear using these 2 method till now. ;)
> For those who are pondering between lvl 20 to 24 who cant still solo a
> aviak guard now, I offer FOC Power-Leveling-Training sessions in Lake ;)
> I've helped Deadflower and Flyingfox to lvl few times using this method,
> and will be willing to help all others local kakis if u need my training
> sessions. Basically we will go to the 2-birds isle and try to spread the
> spawning of the aviak guards one after another instead of both at the same
> time. The trainee will solo the bird, and I will monitor both HP. Once
> mob HP drop to below 50%, I will start nuking it to death. In this way,
> trainee can solo safely. At lvl 26, some of the green chicks still give
> xp, and best of all, no faction hit. Come to think of it, Lake loot in
> term of money is not bad. With one night hunting, I normally get ard
> 20pp-30pp (but also spend alot buying my leather skin reagent, 5gp plus
> cast, one night can spend 10-20pp), that's after I sell all the rusty and
> bronze weaps.
> The only condition is that if there is any aviak guard con blue to me, I
> will get it. Reason is becoz 50% of the green chick no more giving me xp,
> whereas they still con blue to the trainee. Of coz sometime when blue
> spawn 3 in a row and I'm oom after the 2nd bird, trainee can get it.
> Trainee also get to hunt all those bird con green to me, which more than
> 50% of the time con blue to them (if u r below lvl 22, no bird will be con
> green to u, hehe).
> I'm not sure how long further can the Lake give my xp, esp when I reach
> 27. If birds still give me xp at lvl 27, I will stay there and offer
> training sessions, if not I will go elsewhere.
> Btw, during the training session, we dun hunt in group. Instead we hunt
> solo so tat trainee can get ALL the xp. Based on my past experience,
> killing 2 birds in a group of 2 will give less xp killing 1 bird by solo.
> I still believe in this principle. For those magi/necro out there, we
> have confirm with GM that pet is treated as one of ya team member even if
> are soloing. Basically pet will eat the summoner's xp regardless if it
> kill the mob or not. They say mob only eat xp from other group members if
> it kill the mob, this I'm not sure but it definitely will eat the summoner
> xp. When I train FF, I will ask him to dismiss pet so tat he can get all
> the xp. EQ is quite balance - with pet u can hunt tougher mob with better
> loot, but u will get less xp ;)
> Ziltus, the PLT (Power Leveling Trainer)
> On Thursday, 05 August, 1999 8:51 PM, Entreri [SMTP:drizzt@...]
> wrote:
> > From: "Entreri" <drizzt@...>
> >
> > Ive created a new chr .Hes a bard,level2 :)..but In faydark,so u might
> wanna
> > hunt with me :)
> >
> > Entreri
> >
> > Email: drizzt@...
> > ICQ UIN: 2326860
> > Previewer, Singularity Gaming Network
> > http://www.sg-gaming.net
> > Your Single Source of Everything Gaming
> >
> > .plan at
> > http://www.wplan.com/cgibin/directplan.cgi?name=Entreri&viewpass=
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> > To: 'sg-everquest@onelist.com' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
> > Date: Thursday, August 05, 1999 5:13 PM
> > Subject: [sg-everquest] Starting a new char
> >
> >
> > >From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> > >
> > >At lvl 26 with 2 bubb more to lvl 27, I really hate to restart, thou' I
> > >personally would LOVE to have a new dream char tat start with lvl 20
> > >*grin*. Imagine, it takes time to go thru the 'miserable' stage of a
> > >newbie wiz, where no one wanna hunt with u and everyone steal from u -
> you
> > >are the worst life form in EQ, just like a PCB recruit in army, you are
> > >worse than chicken backside blah blah blah! Argh!
> > >Furthermore I haven't find any good stuff for my Zil yet, where got
> to
> > >find good item to start my new wiz off? ;(
> > >
> > >On the other hand, I'm also very uncertain as too which race to choose
> for
> > >my new wiz. Personally I hate to been KOS as a DE, hate to be so short
> > >(ugly) and short-sighted as a gnome, hate to have night blindness as a
> > >erudite (ok halo of light may help but my erudite wiz friend still half
> > >blind at night, esp in place with fog), hate to be so weak (low STR of
> 55)
> > >as a HE and hate to be a half-f**k wiz as a human (average stats plus
> night
> > >blindness).
> > >
> > >Amg all, I love the DEX/AGI stats of gnome, the look and height of HE,
> the
> > >INT of Erudite, and the no xp penalty of human. U tell me which to
> choose
> > >lor, hehe.
> > >
> > >If I were to start a new wiz in Innoruuk, anyone wanna hunt with me? ;)
> > >
> > >Ziltus
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