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Message ID: 1274
Date: Fri Jul 16 10:05:28 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Xp and Sex

Wah liao, make me so SEXited to see ya email topics, come in just to see
nothing ;(

Anyway not very sure also, but personally I think the all xp gathered by a
group shld be divided equally by the number of members. THEN, depending on
the lvl of the member, the allocated xp then multiple by a factor (the
higher ya lvl, the lower is this factor) to decide the final amt of xp
gained by individual.

If the lvl 17 get all the xp, then pple can power train their lower lvl
friends liao. I believe the lvl 17 is getting lots of xp becoz the mob lvl
is higher than his and even thou' he only get a share of the xp, it's still
quite alot for him. Personally I dun think he will get ALOT of xp.


On Friday, 16 July, 1999 5:01 PM, Alex [SMTP:leealex@...] wrote:
> From: "Alex" <leealex@...>
> ah.. an old question. ...need a good answer...bad ppl can answer
> also....nope no sex.. u manics..get outta here!
> Scenario ::: Im lvl 20 at HH pass in a Group 4. The other member in
> r all 20th except for one lvl 17th.We kill a Orc that con green to 3 of
> and we get no xp expcept for the lvl 17th. Does the lvl 17th get all the
> for that orc or xp still being divided among 4 of us even tho 3 of us
> no xp? I used to belive the xp is divided among us no matter any one got
> or not..but last nite... a 17th guy got lotsa xp becos of
> that..hmmm.........
> Yiyang confused...
> due to lag of contributions (pp)
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