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Message ID: 1273
Date: Fri Jul 16 10:00:38 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: Xp and Sex

ah.. an old question. ...need a good answer...bad ppl can answer
also....nope no sex.. u manics..get outta here!

Scenario ::: Im lvl 20 at HH pass in a Group 4. The other member in grop
r all 20th except for one lvl 17th.We kill a Orc that con green to 3 of us
and we get no xp expcept for the lvl 17th. Does the lvl 17th get all the xp
for that orc or xp still being divided among 4 of us even tho 3 of us get
no xp? I used to belive the xp is divided among us no matter any one got xp
or not..but last nite... a 17th guy got lotsa xp becos of

Yiyang confused...
due to lag of contributions (pp)