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Message ID: 1253
Date: Thu Jul 15 10:22:32 BST 1999
Author: Gary Qui Hong Loong
Subject: Re: Pai seh
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>--
> For those who wait for me to lead u to FP last night, very pai seh. My
> friend Woodbridge start a new wood-elf ranger char and I was busy helping
> him. I also need to help Flyingfox to get a dagger b4 I can get back to
> FP. FYI the other Hong Kong members from the guild, including Ling (lvl 21
> wiz) and Deadflower (lvl 16 Bard), will be joining us. Hopefully with
> Garren's help, we can quickly loot at least 2 daggers (for FF n Ling) b4 we
> move back to FP. Btw FF drop lvl when he died few times in Unrest last
> night, back to lvl 19. We need to power gain xp when we go back to HH.
> Most probably this weekends (esp the night), u will see 3 nukers (Ling, FF
> and me) blasting day and night there. ;)
> Ziltus
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