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Message ID: 1249
Date: Thu Jul 15 07:42:18 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Pai seh

For those who wait for me to lead u to FP last night, very pai seh. My
friend Woodbridge start a new wood-elf ranger char and I was busy helping
him. I also need to help Flyingfox to get a dagger b4 I can get back to
FP. FYI the other Hong Kong members from the guild, including Ling (lvl 21
wiz) and Deadflower (lvl 16 Bard), will be joining us. Hopefully with
Garren's help, we can quickly loot at least 2 daggers (for FF n Ling) b4 we
move back to FP. Btw FF drop lvl when he died few times in Unrest last
night, back to lvl 19. We need to power gain xp when we go back to HH.
Most probably this weekends (esp the night), u will see 3 nukers (Ling, FF
and me) blasting day and night there. ;)
