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Message ID: 1234
Date: Wed Jul 14 13:22:22 BST 1999
Author: Dexter Wong
Subject: Re: Zone Maps , again

I read the maps liao...does anyone of U hunt at Highhold? High hold seems
very dangerous, from what the map says...lvl 15 to 20. I'll never gonna
survive! Can SOW outrun all monsters? If you all got hunt there if I do
arrive at HH can I /tell u all? If I can make lvl 9 before Sat I'll leave

At 07:31 PM 7/14/99 +0800, you wrote:
>From: "Alex" <leealex@...>
>OKies. Here the site for Maps of zones and stuffs again.
>Yo, please guys. if u r going to a new zone and no one in your group knows
>nuts about the zone. log for 5 mins and get a print out of the area. Wah
>piah, save time and good for health too. if u died in a new zone
>clueless..wah.. good luck. Read about the mobs at the zone helps u to
>"target" hunt better, no time wasted.
>Dexter, get the qeynos to Highhold to Freeport maps. be warn. Is a Long Long
>trip 8-)
>when u r rdy, check and "tell" us if anyone of us nearby to escort
>you.Social escort service availble...with or without parang.
>Monk'eying at HH pass