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Message ID: 1233
Date: Wed Jul 14 12:31:50 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: Zone Maps , again

OKies. Here the site for Maps of zones and stuffs again.


Yo, please guys. if u r going to a new zone and no one in your group knows
nuts about the zone. log for 5 mins and get a print out of the area. Wah
piah, save time and good for health too. if u died in a new zone
clueless..wah.. good luck. Read about the mobs at the zone helps u to
"target" hunt better, no time wasted.

Dexter, get the qeynos to Highhold to Freeport maps. be warn. Is a Long Long
trip 8-)
when u r rdy, check and "tell" us if anyone of us nearby to escort
you.Social escort service availble...with or without parang.

Monk'eying at HH pass

-----Original Message-----
From: Dexter Wong <dexterw@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Rare Spawn for lower levelers!

>From: Dexter Wong <dexterw@...>
>How to get there via Qeynos ah? Is it near?
>My shaman currently lvl 8 liao should be lvl 9 in 2 days time and I'll get
>SOW then I'll leave Halas....
>At 05:43 PM 7/14/99 +0800, you wrote:
>> Greetings Guys! Found a rare spawn in East Karanas near the ramp.
>> named mob, I think his name is Yutaka. Its a Human Monk. Judging from me
>>point of view, he is only around Level 13. He should be quite good for
>>I guess. I believe he'd spawn there on Friday near 9pm Singapore time.
>><> I'll need the protection from all those dark stalkers that pop out
>>from no where... Safe Travels, Wilson
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