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Message ID: 1207
Date: Wed Jul 14 01:43:20 BST 1999
Author: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
Subject: Re: Newbie Adventure Part I
----- Original Message -----
From: Entreri
To: sg-everquest@onelist.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Newbie Adventure Part I
Friday Night if I can hit 9 or Sat..
Will tell u asap if I hit 9 by friday afternoon :P..Im 1/4 bub to 8 currently
Email: drizzt@...
ICQ UIN: 2326860
Previewer, Singularity Gaming Network
Your Single Source of Everything Gaming
.plan at
-----Original Message-----
From: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy <sccheng@...>
To: sg-everquest@onelist.com <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 2:46 PM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Newbie Adventure Part I
so Entreri... we meet as on Friday nite? or Sat? let me know... and we can arrange a time to go somewhere together... perhaps anyone around that level can join us also...
----- Original Message -----
From: Entreri
To: sg-everquest@onelist.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Crushbone Quests
my classmate sunblade then level11 lah..Im 7..close to 8
Email: drizzt@...
ICQ UIN: 2326860
Previewer, Singularity Gaming Network
Your Single Source of Everything Gaming
.plan at
-----Original Message-----
From: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy <sccheng@...>
To: sg-everquest@onelist.com <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Crushbone Quests
ok... i m now like 1+ bubble to level 8 and am sure that when i reach 8, i can get to 9-10 pretty fast... mainly bcos of my new pet... and partially bcos most of the mobs in East Commandland is around that level... so i can get pretty good exp from there... (now i cant unless i get into a group)...
the last time i checked... u r already level 11... *sigh*... everyone that started a new char... or started playing eq have already taken over me :( and zan is already level 15... my god!!! just have to blame myself fer not getting a pc at home... anyway... will try to play more often... n level as fast n steady as i can (i will still prefer to get most of my skills max out)...
one question... i noticed that the 5x5+5 fomula doesnt apply to my combat skills... its more like 10-15 points less than that... also... once i attain another level... my skill starts to increase again... anyone have any idea on this? im trying to max out my piercing/ 1-hand blunt/ 2-hand blunt... with just recent change to 2-h blunt... but i might just settle fer 2... since we wont really be much in melee in later stages of the game...
so whats the new plan? Kellindel... if u guys get too far ahead... then i guess i wont be able to group with u guys... but off course u guys can watch my back when we hunt together in east commons :)
thast all fer now...
----- Original Message -----
From: Entreri
To: sg-everquest@onelist.com
Sent: Monday, July 12, 1999 10:26 PM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Crushbone Quests
Hi again,
Ive heard from some players that theres a banded orc vest quest in Crushbone.How do I get the quest and what is the min level for it?Im 7/1/2..heh..near 8 lah!
Being hanging out with kalandra aka runewaver for awhile..oei where are u katorak! ;) Any others on Faydwer to join us?Freddy,u can only play on SAT right?I hope I can reach 9[get spells] by Sat then I will come over to fp to join u!Cya there1
And abt the previous mail abt tentacle whip?Is it good to pair up with a combine longsword..been dreaming and drooling over that ;P
Kellindel 7th Circle Ranger
Email: drizzt@...
ICQ UIN: 2326860
Previewer, Singularity Gaming Network
Your Single Source of Everything Gaming
.plan at