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Message ID: 1172
Date: Mon Jul 12 10:22:32 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Xp running
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> Err, wiz who like to use their body as tank? *scatch head* hehe.
> I used to hunt in oasis for croc and caimen, but they dun seem to give xp
> like HH's orcs leh. Which part of oasis u hunt? Is it the one near zone
> along the coast? That side can be quite crowded at times. Any good lobang
> to introduce?
> As for the deepwater, they resis my spells often when I lvl 16 (esp dw
> croc). I wonder if things work better at lvl 19.
> Btw, I got a VERY unluck day yesterday. Play from 2pm to night 1am, died 3
> times, kena accused for stealing (when it's another guildmate who steal, a
> separate msg on this matter), lost more than 1.5 bubb. Cant find good
> kakis to team up, run from HH to oasis (1. killed by a SG trained by some
> gu niang, was looting didnt see SG 2. killed by a yellow orc warrior when
> it left less than 3% HP, sigh), then back to HH (killed when I was justed
> ONE stop away from zone). Killed the named ocr at HH but no loot on it!
> Wah piang, really kena sai man.
> Ziltus De'Damn'To-Lan
> On Saturday, 10 July, 1999 12:39 PM, Leshrec [SMTP:leshrec@...]
> wrote:
> > Just a note to all caster types out there. If you really want to gain xp
> fast at level 18+, you should try out Oasis and do it SOLO. At level 21, I
> managed to get about a bubble of xp per hour. Although the loot here is
> poor, there is not much steal killing going on around here (Perfect for
> those wizards who like to use their body as tanks *hint* *hint*) and if
> really in trouble, usually can make to zone before you die. The caimans and
> crocs also not very resistant to root spells and they are not very buff
> either (4-5 flame shocks to take out a Deepsea caiman) Remember, the key
> word is solo, if you wanna group, maybe max is 2, but best if solo. Hope
> this helps =)
> >
> > Leshrec Kalesk'Thor High Elven Wizard of the Sixth Circle.
> > << File: ATT00012.html >>
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