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Message ID: 1170
Date: Sun Jul 11 08:30:40 BST 1999
Author: Leshrec
Subject: Re: Xp running

Hunt along the entire length of the oasis beach but go to pillar when rest.
Quite safe, especially if many ppl at pillar since SG can only target one
person at a time ) Should have enough time to run away since SG need at
least 2-3 hits to kill a person... Btw, hunt mostly crocs and deepwater
caimans at 19 since deepwater crocs are too hard for 19 (I spent almost all
my mana on deepwater croc at level 21)
Loot sucks tho, but can get about 1bub xp per hr if not very crowded, 30+ppl
in zone.
-----Original Message-----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: 'sg-everquest@onelist.com' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 10:38 AM
Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] Xp running

>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>Err, wiz who like to use their body as tank? *scatch head* hehe.
>I used to hunt in oasis for croc and caimen, but they dun seem to give xp
>like HH's orcs leh. Which part of oasis u hunt? Is it the one near zone
>along the coast? That side can be quite crowded at times. Any good lobang
>to introduce?
>As for the deepwater, they resis my spells often when I lvl 16 (esp dw
>croc). I wonder if things work better at lvl 19.
>Btw, I got a VERY unluck day yesterday. Play from 2pm to night 1am, died 3
>times, kena accused for stealing (when it's another guildmate who steal, a
>separate msg on this matter), lost more than 1.5 bubb. Cant find good
>kakis to team up, run from HH to oasis (1. killed by a SG trained by some
>gu niang, was looting didnt see SG 2. killed by a yellow orc warrior when
>it left less than 3% HP, sigh), then back to HH (killed when I was justed
>ONE stop away from zone). Killed the named ocr at HH but no loot on it!
> Wah piang, really kena sai man.
>Ziltus De'Damn'To-Lan
>On Saturday, 10 July, 1999 12:39 PM, Leshrec [SMTP:leshrec@...]
>> Just a note to all caster types out there. If you really want to gain xp
>fast at level 18+, you should try out Oasis and do it SOLO. At level 21, I
>managed to get about a bubble of xp per hour. Although the loot here is
>poor, there is not much steal killing going on around here (Perfect for
>those wizards who like to use their body as tanks *hint* *hint*) and if
>really in trouble, usually can make to zone before you die. The caimans and
>crocs also not very resistant to root spells and they are not very buff
>either (4-5 flame shocks to take out a Deepsea caiman) Remember, the key
>word is solo, if you wanna group, maybe max is 2, but best if solo. Hope
>this helps =)
>> Leshrec Kalesk'Thor High Elven Wizard of the Sixth Circle.
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