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Message ID: 1087
Date: Thu Jul 8 20:19:53 BST 1999
Author: Dexter Wong
Subject: Re: EQ list

Hmm...ok maybe I should start my char there since so many ppls there
already :)
Hans Ng...hmm....do U know me?????
I know a Hans Ng from Navy last time....if Ur the one...STILL REMEMBER ME
Damn its so late already I just started a char in Veeshan cos I thought
there'll be Singaporeans there since that server got lotsa Japanese
Well guess I'll come here :)

At 01:37 AM 7/9/99 +0800, you wrote:
>From: Sereph <garford@...>
>Since Ebon sabohed me, I'll tell you what we have been doing.
>1. Currently we have the following people
>Garren (Gary)
>Kellendil (Ebon)
>Yiyang (Alex)
>Ziltus (LKW)
>Trifrost (Whirlnuc)
>Aaleku (Hans Ng)
>Nicademous (Freddy)
>Einan (Davis)
>Yakuta (Wilson)
>Zanderion (Synzzz)
>RuneWeaver(Kah Mun)
>And Enteri, who is currently been watch carefully me.
>Those whose names that are not here, surrender them within 24hrs and
>the pain a flying parang brings.
>2. We are totally base in Innoruuk, and have a wide range of characters and
>levels there.
>3. Nearly all of us are part of a guild called Qui Hoom Dai and are slowly
>taking over the guild. those who are STILL not in it, you know what to do.
>4. We have people playing all the classes of the game, except
>- Shadowknights
>- Druids
>- Warrior
>- Ranger
>5. We have people of VASTLY different levels. Lowest is now 4 highest 24.
>6. I'm VERY bossy AND sadistic, so don't piss me off, or you'll find some
>parts of your body missing
>7. A webpage delicate to the list will be up soon
>8. Hmmm, you play M:TG, interested in buying some beta moxes, older cards or
>my 3 year old Necro/Prison hybrid deck..... Wait a minute, this message is
>getting out of point......
>Sereph, lying dead in front of the PC.