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Message ID: 1086
Date: Thu Jul 8 18:37:34 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: EQ list

Since Ebon sabohed me, I'll tell you what we have been doing.

1. Currently we have the following people

Garren (Gary)
Kellendil (Ebon)
Yiyang (Alex)
Ziltus (LKW)
Trifrost (Whirlnuc)
Aaleku (Hans Ng)
Nicademous (Freddy)
Einan (Davis)
Yakuta (Wilson)
Zanderion (Synzzz)
RuneWeaver(Kah Mun)
And Enteri, who is currently been watch carefully me.

Those whose names that are not here, surrender them within 24hrs and experince
the pain a flying parang brings.

2. We are totally base in Innoruuk, and have a wide range of characters and
levels there.

3. Nearly all of us are part of a guild called Qui Hoom Dai and are slowly
taking over the guild. those who are STILL not in it, you know what to do.

4. We have people playing all the classes of the game, except

- Shadowknights
- Druids
- Warrior
- Ranger

5. We have people of VASTLY different levels. Lowest is now 4 highest 24.

6. I'm VERY bossy AND sadistic, so don't piss me off, or you'll find some
parts of your body missing

7. A webpage delicate to the list will be up soon

8. Hmmm, you play M:TG, interested in buying some beta moxes, older cards or
my 3 year old Necro/Prison hybrid deck..... Wait a minute, this message is
getting out of point......

Sereph, lying dead in front of the PC.

Dexter Wong wrote:

> From: Dexter Wong <dexterw@...>
> Hi everyone! Im new to this list. Gotta thank that guy for letting me know
> there's an EQ list in Singapore.
> Like to ask which server has the most Singaporeans?
> I just BOUGHT an account from ebay, cos no one is willing to help me
> activate mine own account hahaha. Its ok payday coming anyway. So which
> server should I start playing in? Any advice?
> Thanks!
> \\\\\////
> / ^ _ \
> ( (o) (o) )
> *=======oOOO=====(_)=====OOOo=========*
> | Dexter Wong |
> | dexterw@... |
> | chocoboo@... |
> | ICQ Uni:1301686 |
> |http://home3.pacific.net.sg/~dexterw |
> *===================Oooo.=============*
> .oooO ( |
> ( ) ) /
> \ ( (_/
> \_)
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> ONElist: your connection to like-minds and kindred spirits.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Singapore Everquest Players List