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Message ID: 1084
Date: Thu Jul 8 18:16:14 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: EQ mailing list for singapore
> From: "Ebon Praetor" <kelc@...>
> Hello Dexter. I saw your message in the Pacific Internet
> newsgroup, and have taken the liberty of posting it in this mailing
> list we have running.
> The address of the mailing list is in the CC: field of this message.
> Your post is as follows (this poster is from the Pacnet newsgroup,
> guys; maybe Sereph can "convince" him of which server to choose.
> *heh*):
> PS: I hope you don't mind seeing your whole post again, Dexter. I
> am e-mailing to you as well as the newsgroup in one shot.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: Dexter <dexterw@...>
> Newsgroups: sg.pacnet.games.discuss,sg.marketplace
> Subject: EQ Everquest players pls read
> Hi to all the Singapore Everquest players. I'll get straight to the
> point :) I wish to compile a list of the Singapore players in EQ.
> Why would I wanna do this? Well with this list we can easily know
> which server has the most Singaporeans and also for future EQ
> players another reason why they should choose a particular server.
> Also this allows the already in EQ players a chance to make a new
> char on those singaporan populated servers as when we play at
> night it'll be early morning in USA so your friends will not be online
> and so you can maybe choose to make a new char in those server
> with singaporeans to play with them together. So if you play EQ,
> please email me with the main server you play in, as well as the
> other servers which you sometimes go to(if any). When I have a list
> I'll email you back together with the list. Might also be posting the
> list to my homepage. Lastly I need a small favour from anyone of
> you. I bought EQ on the 1st day it was released in Singapore but I
> dont have a credit card :( . I'll be able to apply for a card in 2
> months time(after my b/day) so in the mean time I wont be able to
> play it. So Im hoping if anyone can help me by activating my
> account for me. I have registered, but have not bill my account yet.
> I hope someone can make a 3 months payment for me. 3
> monthscost US$25. I'll send you S$50, and when you receive the
> money, then activate my account for 3 months, and you can keep
> the amount thats left, as a token of my appreciation. If you'll like to
> help please state this in your email. Anyway please email me the
> server list. Helping or dont help activate my account is another
> issue its ok nothing to do with this. I wanted to make a list to
> benefit everyone. The account thingy, at most I wait until I apply for
> a card :( so pls pls email me with the server list. Thanks!
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Singapore Everquest Players List