Hello Dexter. I saw your message in the Pacific Internet
newsgroup, and have taken the liberty of posting it in this mailing
list we have running.
The address of the mailing list is in the CC: field of this message.
Your post is as follows (this poster is from the Pacnet newsgroup,
guys; maybe Sereph can "convince" him of which server to choose.
PS: I hope you don't mind seeing your whole post again, Dexter. I
am e-mailing to you as well as the newsgroup in one shot.
From: Dexter <
Newsgroups: sg.pacnet.games.discuss,sg.marketplace
Subject: EQ Everquest players pls read
Hi to all the Singapore Everquest players. I'll get straight to the
point :) I wish to compile a list of the Singapore players in EQ.
Why would I wanna do this? Well with this list we can easily know
which server has the most Singaporeans and also for future EQ
players another reason why they should choose a particular server.
Also this allows the already in EQ players a chance to make a new
char on those singaporan populated servers as when we play at
night it'll be early morning in USA so your friends will not be online
and so you can maybe choose to make a new char in those server
with singaporeans to play with them together. So if you play EQ,
please email me with the main server you play in, as well as the
other servers which you sometimes go to(if any). When I have a list
I'll email you back together with the list. Might also be posting the
list to my homepage. Lastly I need a small favour from anyone of
you. I bought EQ on the 1st day it was released in Singapore but I
dont have a credit card :( . I'll be able to apply for a card in 2
months time(after my b/day) so in the mean time I wont be able to
play it. So Im hoping if anyone can help me by activating my
account for me. I have registered, but have not bill my account yet.
I hope someone can make a 3 months payment for me. 3
monthscost US$25. I'll send you S$50, and when you receive the
money, then activate my account for 3 months, and you can keep
the amount thats left, as a token of my appreciation. If you'll like to
help please state this in your email. Anyway please email me the
server list. Helping or dont help activate my account is another
issue its ok nothing to do with this. I wanted to make a list to
benefit everyone. The account thingy, at most I wait until I apply for
a card :( so pls pls email me with the server list. Thanks!