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Message ID: 1075
Date: Thu Jul 8 14:14:20 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Race War Server up!!#$%^^&&@:What the hell are u waiting for?

*Aims parang at Enteri*

Entreri wrote:

> Anyone who wanna try out RaceWAR..join Test Server
> now!@$#%%$^kekekee *ATTENTION* *IMPORTANT* *PLEASE READ*
> We have temporarily changed the rules on the test server in order to
> test our new PvP - Teams code. This test will last approximately one
> week. If you choose to play during this time, please understand that
> it will be under PvP - Teams rules and that you are subject to being
> player killed. If you are not confortable with this, we suggest
> playing on our live servers until we return to the test server to
> regular rules.
> In addition to testing the PvP Teams code, we will also be testing the
> balance of the initial teams, the allowable PK level spread, etc.
> Please keep in mind that any or all of these rules are subject to
> change at any time.
> The teams are as follows:
> Team 1
> High Elf
> Wood Elf
> Half-Elf
> Team 2
> Dwarf
> Gnome
> Halfling
> Team 3
> Human
> Barbarian
> Erudite
> Team 4
> Ogre
> Troll
> Dark Elf
> This means that any member of one team may be PK'd by a member of any
> of the other 3 teams, but not my a member of their own team.
> We have increased the level limits for PvP to +/-8 levels as opposed
> to the +/-4 that exists in Rallos Zek (normal PvP server).
> -------------
> Here is a short list of some other changes:
> PvP Faction Hits have been removed until we can implement an aggressor
> flag (IF we decide to).
> If a character is killed by someone with his or her PK flag ON (+pvp),
> they will return from death with Zero Mana. This is to address the
> 'naked mage syndrome'.
> Warriors have been upgraded with more Hit Points, better innate
> magical resistance, and a chance to critical hit above and beyond
> normal critical hits in combat.
> Pets can no longer open locked doors. Entreri Email:
> drizzt@...
> ICQ UIN: 2326860
> Previewer, Singularity Gaming Network
> http://www.sg-gaming.net
> Your Single Source of Everything Gaming .plan at
> http://www.wplan.com/cgibin/directplan.cgi?name=Entreri&viewpass=