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Message ID: 1074
Date: Thu Jul 8 14:13:06 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: New Kakis

AD&D??? You two want to meet up for some gaming sessions??? Long time never
play liao.....

Still have my character sheet

Sabella Estasis
High Elf
Chaotic Good
Lvl 16 Fighter/17 Mage
Mystra's Choosen
HP - 118
Str - 16
Dex - 19
Intelligence - 18
Wisdom - 10
Charisma - 12
Constitution - 10

Spell Progression: 5,5,5,5,5,4,2,1
THAC0 - 1
AC - 0

Proficient in all weapons + ambidexterity

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Defender blade, Robe of Arch Magi, Staff of Striking,
Bracers of AC 0, Cap of Mystic Symbols, Red Dragon Horn, Wands of Magic Missle
X 4, Bowl of Elemental Conjuration, Undead Taliman, Rings of Undead Banishing,
Scroll of Cloudkill, Scroll of Stone Elemental, Scroll of Stone Skin

Special ability: Can turn undead as a cleric half her level, once per week &
seek mystra help once per week to give +5 bonus to all magical throws done to
and by you.

Notes: Magic takes 3 times as long as other magi to memorise and loses all
magical abilities for a week if HP drop below 50%. Treat as a conjurer when it
comes to conguration spells done by and onto her.

Damn, I feel so old, played her for 4 years.......

LKW wrote:

> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> My RL friend is joining the local EQ community at Innoruuk. He is a lao
> jiao in AD&D (I also kena influenced by him then start paper AD&D). He is
> those very easy-going talk cock kind, I will recruit him to guild ASAP.
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