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Message ID: 1062
Date: Thu Jul 8 10:47:11 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Re: To Nic and Monks?
> From: "Wilson" <ritzbits@...>with
> Cool, which part of Japan? I'm only a 13th Monk. However you can stick
> me and Tavis Trueshot if you want. He sticks with me despite my level.But
> he is going to play a druid now so that he won't be too high above me.Great
> pal he is. Love him. and he laughs easy, even if he doesn't understandyour
> joke. Hehehe!I
> Well, the only monks here are me and Yiyang. Why I love monks? 10 reasons
> guess.While
> 1)I don't have to worry about those cool looking weapons, armours etc.
> you people are reaching for those GhoulBane, Bloodforge, Rubicite etc. Ijust
> just need to /ooc "Paying 12pp for Mesh Glove."
> 2)After I die, I don't feel helpless without my arsenal. I fight almost
> as well.is
> 3)When you semi-mage guys are thinking "To root or to nuke or ..." I just
> stand there and kick ass and toggle the view points to see if my partner
> in dire need for help.At
> 4)At higher levels, we "decide" with MOB dies first.
> 5)Feign Death can be used to lure MOB without its partners coming along.
> most, you get a mini train.those
> 6)Our STA "never" drops even with continuous fights. While others holding
> heavy weapons have to watch their yellow bar.
> 7)We need mostly DEX and AGI booasters. Some come at high price like
> Plat Enchanted jewelries but hey, how many jewel slots have we? 5 Ibelieve.
> <I know this point it closely related to PT 1 but I need to fill thespace
> ;-)>"loot"
> 8)We smack 5 hits into you before you even lift your weapon.
> Punch,Punch,Punch,Punch,Flying Kick. Oh boy, that hurts. Flying Kick goes
> for 70hps minimum from what I hear.
> 9)Chicks dig the flying kicks.
> 10)I'll let Yiyang fill this. And if he doesn't ... we don't pick up
> only cash. So we don't have to make runs to the stores.imagine
> Wilson. Do call me Wilson. But in-game name's Yutaka. Take care!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy <sccheng@...>
> > i suppose its not easy to raise a char to high level... as i can
> > levelling is exponential... :( in terms of difficulty... anyway... iwill
> > concentrate on one char... fer now at least....
> >
> > Nic
> > p/s: how much u all like monk so much ? any special reasons?
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