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Message ID: 1059
Date: Thu Jul 8 09:55:17 BST 1999
Author: Wilson
Subject: To Nic and Monks?

Cool, which part of Japan? I'm only a 13th Monk. However you can stick with
me and Tavis Trueshot if you want. He sticks with me despite my level. But
he is going to play a druid now so that he won't be too high above me. Great
pal he is. Love him. and he laughs easy, even if he doesn't understand your
joke. Hehehe!

Well, the only monks here are me and Yiyang. Why I love monks? 10 reasons I

1)I don't have to worry about those cool looking weapons, armours etc. While
you people are reaching for those GhoulBane, Bloodforge, Rubicite etc. I
just need to /ooc "Paying 12pp for Mesh Glove."

2)After I die, I don't feel helpless without my arsenal. I fight almost just
as well.

3)When you semi-mage guys are thinking "To root or to nuke or ..." I just
stand there and kick ass and toggle the view points to see if my partner is
in dire need for help.

4)At higher levels, we "decide" with MOB dies first.

5)Feign Death can be used to lure MOB without its partners coming along. At
most, you get a mini train.

6)Our STA "never" drops even with continuous fights. While others holding
heavy weapons have to watch their yellow bar.

7)We need mostly DEX and AGI booasters. Some come at high price like those
Plat Enchanted jewelries but hey, how many jewel slots have we? 5 I believe.
<I know this point it closely related to PT 1 but I need to fill the space

8)We smack 5 hits into you before you even lift your weapon.
Punch,Punch,Punch,Punch,Flying Kick. Oh boy, that hurts. Flying Kick goes
for 70hps minimum from what I hear.

9)Chicks dig the flying kicks.

10)I'll let Yiyang fill this. And if he doesn't ... we don't pick up "loot"
only cash. So we don't have to make runs to the stores.

Wilson. Do call me Wilson. But in-game name's Yutaka. Take care!

----- Original Message -----
From: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy <sccheng@...>
> i suppose its not easy to raise a char to high level... as i can imagine
> levelling is exponential... :( in terms of difficulty... anyway... i will
> concentrate on one char... fer now at least....
> Nic
> p/s: how much u all like monk so much ? any special reasons?