I like the idea of an AC bonus due to Bards carrying less relative weight.
I tend to keep mine very low, even trading heavy but effective pieces of
armor for lighter and crappier ac-giving pieces that offer other benefits
to stats.
However, once I can afford plate I reckon I'll wear it, in fact... I really
much doubt I won't.
You see, my image of Bards is more along the lines of a berzerking maniac
singing in battle as he or she hacks their way through a group of enemies,
a crazed grin on their faces as they chant out wild, skin-crawling songs
laced with arcane and guttural sounds that none else could hope to imitate.
The blood may splatter them, but they don't care. They'll laugh afterwards
as they leap into a freezing stream (and drown like fools if they're
wearing plate) to wash it all off. Then they'll sit down and eat, drink,
rest and sing their warm, soothing melodies that somehow still maintain an
edge to them, the very words the Bard pronounces throb with a very obvious
It doesn't quite fit Verant's image, but it's arguably close enough to not
make me a real-life plate-wearing fool. ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: Kimes, Dean W. [SMTP:
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 10:38 AM
To: '
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Petition and general opinions
From: "Kimes, Dean W." <
Well, this debate has certainly heated things up. Its clear there is an
easily definable line between the roleplayers and the powergamers here.
I don't like the idea of bards wearing plate personally, it doesn't fit any
image of the class from a roleplaying perspective as far as I can see, and
while sure its nice to be able to absorb more damage, it'd be nice to have
bazooka too. Whether bards can ultimately wear plate or not at some point
is moot to me, I won't 'cause it doesn't fit my image of a bard. to me
image is more important than being as effective as possible. I kinda wish
they'd institute something similar to the monk's increased AC when wearing
light armor for bards as an option, not necessarily better than plate or
even equal, just better than nothing. If not, oh well.
I like the idea of having some bard specific items. Singing swords,
instruments, any of these would be great! Most of the other classes seem
have items tailored towards them with the exception of bards. Oh yeah sure
we can use some warrior's castoff magic weapon, but so can a monk, and just
like a monk, why would we? It'd sure be nice to see something that bard's
could make better use of than anyone else.
On most of the other issues I'm pretty close to neutral except for binding.
The way I see a bard, and certainly the way Verant seems to portray them,
they should travel more than any other character. To have to do this
without being able to bind is difficult, and one would think a travelling
minstrel could bind himself anywhere.
The mournful bard of Faydwer on E'ci
"and no one shall work for money,
and no one shall work for fame"
"but each for the joy of the working,
and each to his seperate star..."
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