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Message ID: 992
Date: Tue Jul 6 06:52:38 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Re: Money money money, hehe

Hehe no lah, just trying to suggest to u guys to throw in 5-8pp on brewing
1st rather than spending on other stuffs. The princple is actually very
straigh forward - buy a chicken or 5 eggs 1st. If u buy 5 eggs, u can
either eat them up (spend on items) or hatch them for chickens (buy scrolls
and use them to hunt for money, but take longer time at ya lvl, imagine
the time & money u need to spend to keep the chickens, hehe).
Alternatively, u can buy a chicken (train ya brewing) and let it lay eggs
(money). In the short run, spending money on eggs more shiok, in the med
run, spending on chicken is more practical. In the long run, ultimately
both achieve the same result, hahaha.

Nice chicken and egg theory huh, LOL ;)

Just a comparison. U spend 4 night hunting earning 40pp. H/w, u can also
spend 5-8pp to max brewing to 135 in 2 hrs, and another 2 hrs to make 20pp.
So first night u make 20pp plus max skill. Just spend another 3 nights of
4 hrs u can get 140pp (MIN) in total easily, hehe. At this rate u can earn
a FBR in 1 week. This remind me of my UO kakis Asmandi Dragon who used to
spend 1 whole week just chopping tree making wooden shields and sell to npc
in order to buy his 2-storey house, hehe.

I hope this msg will motivate u guys to pick up brewing, it's really worth
spending time and effort. Of coz, I dun expect u to brew for 4 whole day,
I myself brew 2 hrs also bu ta han liao. With brewing skill, rather than
hunting desperately for $ (which can be a pain when u face a whole camp of
stealers or no one wanna team with u), u can actually spend 1 hr daily
brewing to give yaself some stable source of money.

Leshrec got a good point on buying scrolls. For the 1st 2 cycles, I try to
buy all scrolls only to find out that I only used 2-3 at most. In the end
I spend so much money on useless scrolls. When I come to 3rd circle
spells, I seek Leshrec's advice on which scrolls to buy (since we both wiz,
it's nice to have someone ahead of u sometime to share with u his
experience, hehe). Coming to 4th circle I more or less know wat kinda
spell is impt for wiz. Lvl 5 there is more useful spells, so I buy more
scrolls. With the help of my brewing, I already got all the wanted scrolls
for my lvl 20 (all gate, dd and armor spells except instill which I heard
need research?), and still saving for my Gossmer Robe or FBR.

Btw, if u can, try to get the dimension bag scroll 1st. This is a VERY
useful spells for low str caster coz this summoned bag can carry stuffs at
weightless(?)! The only thing u need to remember is to empty them b4 u log
since they will disappear when u log. At high lvl, u will loot stuffs like
bronze weap and ring/rawhide armors which r pretty heavy. So this bag will
come in VERY handy. U can even sell it to non-magi for some money if they
intend to camp at wulu wulu place w/o merchants & bank! Since magi can
summon bandage, u guys got the cheapest mean to train bind wound, which is
a very nice skills to have when soloing with a pet.

One 'mis'-concept abt binding is tat many casters take it as a source of
income, but frankly speaking I only take it as a utility spells. I never
bother to offer bind for a fee unless I'm in good mood or I'm abt to log -
for free. Of coz donation welcome. So far I heard the max amt pple
willing to pay is 1pp, and so far I leave it to other to give me as a
donation - max 5gp so far, hehe. The power of binding cannot be measure
via monetary term. It's one of the most useful spells casters have, not as
a trade but as the ability to adventure. Comparing with the tank who cant
bind, we casters are so fortunate that we dun have to spend time running
all the way to our corpse. U r right that lvl shld come first b4 money,
esp when u r below lvl 16. Dun complain too much abt lousy loot. We used
to hunt caimen and croc at oasis and the best loot on them is a piece of
meat tat we can sell for 7cp, hahaha. Most of the pple dun even bother to
pick them up. Only poor wiz like me go around picking the rubbish, hehe.

I'm also picking up smithy slowly now, after spending 20 skill point on it.
H/w, when camping at HH I'm now having problems buying sharpening stone.
Anyone know where can I get that in HH? Does HH got a bank?


On Monday, 05 July, 1999 1:07 PM, Leshrec [SMTP:leshrec@...]
> From: "Leshrec" <leshrec@...>
> My suggestions on buying spell. Usually, unless i have money to burn, I
> buy the required spells. For me its usually 3 spells per spell circle
> most of the other spells are useless. I only buy the rest of the spells
> I'm a circle higher since I like to have a full spellbook ) I don't
> know about magicians since I never played one, but I think a DD spell and
> Water E summoning spell at each circle would be best if yer trying to
> economise since u never know when a person is gonna sell a much needed
> piece or weapon. Of course, maybe there are other spells a magician need,
> but as I said I don't know. As for trade, once you get to about level 20,
> think its much more profitable to do dungeons such as Unrest. Each mob
> holds 1pp so in a group of 6, getting 20 pp is no problem within about
> hours since lotsa mobs there.. Of course trade skills like blacksmithy
> surely gonna be damn profitable in long run since can make a few hundred
> in an hour, but thats gonna be a long time before you can start
> on it (heard cost price very high).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Synzzz <hannibal@...>
> To: sg-everquest@onelist.com <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
> Date: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 12:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Money money money, hehe
> >From: "Synzzz" <hannibal@...>
> >
> >Hey Ziltus,
> >
> >Wah lau, don't make it sound like we're begging for money leh.
> >I know I complained i'm broke but i didn't say I wanted you guys
> >to give me any :P Donations are always accepted lah of course
> >but the key thing, i believe, is that I don't go around hoping for them
> >or asking you guys for any.
> >
> >It's just that i spent 3 whole nights making 40+ pp from hunting? And i
> >spent
> >them all on my lvl8 spells which cost 3pp 9gp 8scp per spell.
> >I'm almost lvl 11 and i'm just thinking at this rate...when i hit lvl 12
> and
> >buy those new spells at 5-6pp each...i need at least another 60pp??
> >siong man
> >
> >I did hear of the brewing thing...just that when first heard of it...was
> not
> >very
> >sure of the details...but i guess now i probably would try.
> >
> >One more thing is that in my area where i've been hunting of late...you
> >better exp
> >but only shitty bones for loot. (Mummies, skeletons,chessboard Skel
> >etc...)
> >So i had to choose between levelling and making money. I chose levelling
> cos
> >i want to hit lvl 12 faster...the bind affinity spell i thought can use
> >make some money!
> >Alot of ppl are willing to pay 1pp at least for a bind somewhere. Best
> >man...if got 20 ppl
> >in one night...20pp liaoz...LOL Don't think so easy lah hehe Besides
> >only do that when
> >i'm short on cash (which is most of the time). I prefer to do for free
> >actually. Nice guy here :)
> >
> >Ok that's it for me...off to work (late again hiaks)
> >
> >Zanderion [lvl 10 magi] Innoruuk
> >
> >p.s Thanks for the advice Ziltus!
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> >To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
> >Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 10:16 AM
> >Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Money money money, hehe
> >
> >
> >> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> >>
> >> Jus a thought.
> >>
> >> Everyone start off been very poor, and even at lvl 18, I'm still very
> >poor,
> >> unlike our rich man Garren, hehe.
> >>
> >> We guys gotta learn to stand on our feet sometime. I think brewing is
> >> very useful trade skill which can easily fulfill ya financial needs,
> >> that it's kinda boring and take times. Nevertheless comparing with
> >> hunting, brewing still give me better and faster return than hunting
> >> far. If we can spend 1-3 hrs a day brewing, I dun see why the new
> >> cant do the same ;) No doubt we try to help by sponsoring abit, but u
> >guys
> >> have to help us to help yaself sometimes ;)
> >>
> >> One thing for sure, we the local kakis always keep items which we
> >> other kakis can used (eg I keep cutt ring for newbies, ring mails for
> >> tanks, garren keep thu robe for me, les keep woven for me etc). We
> >> try to help as and when we can, but one must understand the fact tat
> >> utimately u r the one playing the game and handling ya own char, hehe.
> >>
> >> IMHO, brewing can make some quick buck. At lvl 10 u shld be able to
> >> up to 10pp. Of coz I know pple will use them to buy stuffs like
> >> weap/armor/scrolls. But just ponder - if u spend it on brewing, u can
> >earn
> >> even more to buys stuffs, at the same time maxing ya skill.
> >>
> >> At lvl 18 now, I'm still picking up bone chips, rusty weaps, animal
> skins,
> >> beetle eyes and even rat tooth (7cp) to sell. FYI I'm a wiz with the
> >> weakest STR amg all races and I keep SIX bags on me to carry loot.
> >> times u see me walking between EC and WC while I'm actually running
> >> 200% overload on me, haha. If I can try so hard to save up money, I
> dun
> >> see why others cant do it. ;P
> >>
> >>
> >> Ziltus.
> >>
> >> p/s: Just FYI, the npc at tunnel buy at a lower price than FP npc, so
> >> die die gotta 'walk' back to FP sell. Now u see I earn all my money
> using
> >> all my blood, sweat and tears, hehe ;)
> >>
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> >
> >
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