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Message ID: 989
Date: Tue Jul 6 05:36:46 BST 1999
Author: Synzzz
Subject: Re: Money money money, hehe
----- Original Message -----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Money money money, hehe
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> Jus a thought.
> Everyone start off been very poor, and even at lvl 18, I'm still very
> unlike our rich man Garren, hehe.
> We guys gotta learn to stand on our feet sometime. I think brewing is a
> very useful trade skill which can easily fulfill ya financial needs, just
> that it's kinda boring and take times. Nevertheless comparing with
> hunting, brewing still give me better and faster return than hunting so
> far. If we can spend 1-3 hrs a day brewing, I dun see why the new chaps
> cant do the same ;) No doubt we try to help by sponsoring abit, but u
> have to help us to help yaself sometimes ;)
> One thing for sure, we the local kakis always keep items which we think
> other kakis can used (eg I keep cutt ring for newbies, ring mails for
> tanks, garren keep thu robe for me, les keep woven for me etc). We will
> try to help as and when we can, but one must understand the fact tat
> utimately u r the one playing the game and handling ya own char, hehe.
> IMHO, brewing can make some quick buck. At lvl 10 u shld be able to save
> up to 10pp. Of coz I know pple will use them to buy stuffs like
> weap/armor/scrolls. But just ponder - if u spend it on brewing, u can
> even more to buys stuffs, at the same time maxing ya skill.
> At lvl 18 now, I'm still picking up bone chips, rusty weaps, animal skins,
> beetle eyes and even rat tooth (7cp) to sell. FYI I'm a wiz with the
> weakest STR amg all races and I keep SIX bags on me to carry loot. Many
> times u see me walking between EC and WC while I'm actually running with
> 200% overload on me, haha. If I can try so hard to save up money, I dun
> see why others cant do it. ;P
> Ziltus.
> p/s: Just FYI, the npc at tunnel buy at a lower price than FP npc, so I
> die die gotta 'walk' back to FP sell. Now u see I earn all my money using
> all my blood, sweat and tears, hehe ;)
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