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Message ID: 984
Date: Mon Jul 5 12:19:54 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Re: Clarification on Stealing (TXT)
> From: Gary Qui Hong Loong <kanglun@...>wrong.
> I agreed with what Leshrec is saying. If the Wiz is in a group and he
> managed to outblast and get the kill, then it's my group composition is
> But if the friggy wiz is soloing, I screw him upside down if possible.like
> leting him solo the named orc, heal the named orc etc (but I heard isthat u
> can't heal npc anymore), or train tons of orcs into him and tell thegroup to
> zone out.On Sunday, 04 July, 1999 6:02 PM, Leshrec [SMTP:leshrec@...]
> From: "Leshrec" <leshrec@...>you
> This is a rather long post. You have been warned =)
> This is that I think of steal killing in Highhold. If a tank or warriors
> starts attacking the mob, then I don't think its wrong to blast it, IF
> start blasting when hes just started on the mob. This is for a verysimple
> reason, if all the mob he attacks is gonna by his, he will get everything,
> especially those in groups, where there are clerics in it. Since there isrun
> practically no downtime. Anyways, if you start blasting it, the mob will
> over to you and attack you, so if anybody else starts shooting at it,they
> are just helping you to get kill. I have seen orc fanatics that havespawned
> and die in 1 sec after, becos 6-7 casters shoot at it at the same time.opinion
> Usually the player who does the most damage with one spell , usually the
> magician or the wizard would get branded a stealer just because he is a
> loner and has no group. Of course those assholes which are really out to
> steal kill can be seen very obviously, like what ziltus has mentioned,
> waiting for tank to do 20-30% damage before shooting. However, In my
> if i shoot a mob when you are just starting on it and I kill it after hedon't
> beats on me, although a tank type or some other caster shoots at it, I
> really care if you brand me a kill stealer. If I spend 30% of my mana ona
> mob instead of 80%, its not because I want to, but rather its becauseother
> caster are trying to blast my mob, so that they can get kill and whenthey
> don't get it, they get pissed and call you names again. Thats why itsvery
> important to get a group, since you have your own tankers tanking and youthe
> nuking. As for named NPC, its FFA but when you do get the kill ppl will
> curse and swear saying they waited 20 hrs for the named NPC. Well, If you
> can't get the kill yourself, get a damn caster who can nuke for you. I'm
> sick of ppl whining cos they can't get kills especially when I shoot at
> named one and even when he comes to me, the other tanks from other groupsgrouped
> continue to beat at him and expect to get kill. I myself have always
> from level 16 to my current level, and there was only once when I triedto
> do solo and do what other wizards did. I must admit xp came in very fast,at
> a rate of 1 bubble per hr so I could level in a day. But the only groupwas
> there got pissed and one guy even wanted to duel me, a level 21 ranger.Of
> course I just ignored him and did almost 3 bubbles of xp that day. Onefunny
> thing later was how his group ran and zone leaving him alone fighting 2orc
> scouts. Seeing he was about to lose, I became visible (I am invis whenthat
> medding) and he asked for help. Of course I helped him out, but he still
> called me names later on. However that was the only time I soloed like
> and of course it was very lonely not to mention getting tells on "Thatsnot
> very nice. But I don't think you care anyways" Well, hes right on I don'tthere
> care. I once heard of a guy in Nektulos forest saying "If I can train a
> skeleton on you. Then its your problem". If that is one guy attitude,
> must be many others who have this type of attitude too.THat happened whenI
> was in Prexus server playing my necro. I myself have kenna like that, Isit
> on floor medding and suddenly 2 skeletons jump on me. I was like level6-7
> and that meant instant death. Of course the skeletons were not spawned onme
> but rather trained on me. Since many people have this type of attitude, Iplayer
> don't see why I must care what people say. This is what I think, if a
> steals your kills and asks for help later, by all means let him die sincehe
> deserves it.more
> As for reputation, high level wizards are often invited into groups
> often than not. Since you can't make EVERYONE your friend anyways,although
> its always better to have more friends than enemies. I think most peopleis
> don't really care if you have an experience on stealing kill or not. This
> so because if you steal kill FROM them they won't like you. But if yousteal
> kill FOR them, they will all praise you and even want to group with youmore
> because they know who can get the xp and who can't. However on Lootstealing
> I have seen ppl being shunt before because they loot a named NPC and runif
> off, ignoring their OWN group members. Loot stealing is absolutely lame,
> you don't wanna share your loot, DON'T GROUP and DON'T whine if you can'tlevels.
> get the kill. If you want to steal kill, go make a wizard or magician or
> druid and see how hard it is to get your XP, especially at the lower
> I have seen a druid which purposely did 50% of damage and let tanksfinish
> it off, so that he could get the xp, and he was soloing. Another time atthe
> gnolls, my friend received tells from another group on how he can't get
> kill on the named NPC because that guy had a druid friend which heclaimed
> could outblast him. So my friend ask me to help him get the kill and wedid
> get the named NPC. Of course this resulted in the other group beingwe
> extremely unhappy and cursed at us. However in the end we still got what
> wanted and the other group with nothing.On Monday, 05 July, 1999 12:12 PM, Alex [SMTP:leealex@...]
> Just my 2cents worth of opinions.
> Leshrec Kalesk'Thor, High Elf Wizard of the 6 Sixth Circle.
> Innoruuk Server
> From: "Alex" <leealex@...>of
> Ah, To each his own.
> The following does not refer to ZIltus or anyone. Zil does raise an issue
> for me to make my stand.
> Bearing in mind that reputation supersede Lvling. I for one has left and
> break off from groups at HH Pass becos of stealin and "Unfair" spliting
> Kills.Standard?)
> Im much much more tolerant on Friends and Guild Members ( double
> Look. There R lotsa Orcs in HH pass and they do Spawn Fast. so i dont seei
> how ppl dont want to "share" kill. there r alway just one guy there that
> will steal kill. Usally magic caster. The Copper trick works sometime and
> do used that on them. Or , the whole group could go to the tunnel andlets
> all the orcs hit him hard.If there r more than one group, that bedifficult
> I personnlly do NOT want to Steal just so i can lvl. I will leave that
> to pratice some other stuff (safefall, throwing or melee). And im VERYvocal
> about steals there too. I'll use comments like "Thieves and Prostitutes",
> Yes i offend ppl with my statement . It suppose too!If / When im invitedin
> a Group and one of a "Balcklisted" Stealer is there, I'll disband and notover
> join and Publicly announced why i did that. Im a Monk and i Rolepaly it
> some of the time. So if the Char is Bad, neutral, good, etc,so i dont
> expect a evil char to have good moral.
> Personlly, It crazy to spend my Time and Money(isp charges) to "Fight"
> Orcs.I want to enjoy the game. Lvling is no Big deal :Pon
> Hmm... maybe thats one of the reasons I lvl so slowly...I dont mind.
> There were good times at HH pass when 2 groups cna agree and share turns
> kills, 6/6 or 10/10 orcs. After a good hunt there. I will OOC to praisedand
> Salute the other group Civil and High standard of conduct. I willmentioned
> the name of the group leader and indiviual persons in the group. Ibelieve
> this could encourage ppl to have civilitystealing
> and good behaviour.
> Go ahead steal, and i'll go ahead to comment and critiize.
> To each his own. ... and bear the consequences of bad reputations
> Yiyang at Innorruk
> '
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
> Date: Monday, July 05, 1999 10:12 AM
> Subject: [sg-everquest] Clarification on Stealing
> >From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> >
> >I'm now based at HH, soloing. Downtime is long but get all the xp.
> > Actually if wiz wanna play punk we can rise lvl pretty fast, by
> >(huh? Leshrec is rising lvl fast? well...errr..hehehehe). So far what Imob
> >did is to attack the moment when the mob spawn, which normally draw the
> >to me and turn to a melee + casting battle. This way is quite ok, butsome
> >pple at Ro still call me a stealer. They forget that my down time is soFor
> >long (normally used up at least 80% of my mana and 1-2 bubb of my HP).
> >this kinda pple I normally scold back or use the ignore command on them.drop
> > Those wizs in HH really "aim' nicely and start nuking when the mob hp
> >by 30-40% (At one time I just sit next to them and observe how theyhunt).
> > Btw the time mob turn to them, the mob only left 10-20% HP. If I wereto
> >follow their style, I think I will lvl much faster, coz this methodmeans
> >they just nuke 2 times (hurt more than 50%) and let others finish theirway.
> >kill, and they got less down time and more loot. H/w, this method also
> >spoil a wiz reputation and not very nice to do, so I choose the harder
> > So for all the new comers out there, pls do not make noise if a wiz isstart
> >using his body to tank and got a kill just becoz he kill faster then u.
> > Make him frustrated he may change his mind and start "stealing" from u,
> >hehe. If u wish to take turns to kill, pls ask when u enter a camp. Me
> >personally quite bo chap if those high lvl players just step in and
> >hunting. My opinion is - if they just step in and hunt, they are tryingto
> >compete for kills, so no need to give way. I ever come across a necrofrom
> >Higher Order of Arcane at lvl 16 (name is Malten), and he spam me forme
> >stealing his kill, simply becoz I nuke and his pet attack same time. Of
> >coz, my nuking is far more damaging than his little pet, draw the mob to
> >and he spam all the way. So irritating that I use the ignore command on17
> >him, heheh. Btw, one of the big stealers at HH now is Senear, the lvl
> >wiz, also from Higher Order of Arcane. He and another guildmate of hisjoin
> >were nuking whole day at HH yesterday. They steal from groups of lvl
> >18-20+ melee fighters. In the end the other groups all invite me to
> >theirs becoz they can see I only nuke and dun steal, and my nuking plus16
> >their melee can take back some kills.
> >
> >Last piece of advice, if u are camping at certain spot, and a wiz of lvl
> >(below lvl 16 we still quite sux, hehe) and above is also camping there,house
> >either ask for rotation or move elsewhere. A wiz can steal from a melee
> >char of 8-10 lvl above him. No joke. Even if you are are in a full
> >of melee chars of the same lvl as that wiz, the wiz can still steal, ifhe
> >wants. So if the newcomers come across this kinda CB players, it'swiser
> >to move on to another camp, coz it's only waste of time to stay there (uis
> >are helpnig him to kill only).
> >
> >Btw, even wiz can be quite guai lan at time, but IMHO the most seah-lan
> >high lvl enchanter. Not only they just hunt by charming mobs to killthose
> >themselves (ie hunt without even using their hands, heh). Make them
> >frustrated they can train all the mobs on u, hehe.
> >
> >FYI, if u hunt around NRo, there is a PvP dwarf name Broughm who like to
> >train SG to non-PvP players, I bet this is the only way he can kill
> >non-PvP players. Kinda sick minded - kill for the fun of killing. He
> >train cutts to me twice, one time almost kill me and 2nd time killed
> >himself, heh.
> >
> >Ziltus