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Message ID: 982
Date: Mon Jul 5 11:18:39 BST 1999
Author: Gary Qui Hong Loong
Subject: Re: Clarification on Stealing
> From: "Leshrec" <leshrec@...>--
> This is a rather long post. You have been warned =)
> This is that I think of steal killing in Highhold. If a tank or warriors
> starts attacking the mob, then I don't think its wrong to blast it, IF you
> start blasting when hes just started on the mob. This is for a very simple
> reason, if all the mob he attacks is gonna by his, he will get everything,
> especially those in groups, where there are clerics in it. Since there is
> practically no downtime. Anyways, if you start blasting it, the mob will run
> over to you and attack you, so if anybody else starts shooting at it, they
> are just helping you to get kill. I have seen orc fanatics that have spawned
> and die in 1 sec after, becos 6-7 casters shoot at it at the same time.
> Usually the player who does the most damage with one spell , usually the
> magician or the wizard would get branded a stealer just because he is a
> loner and has no group. Of course those assholes which are really out to
> steal kill can be seen very obviously, like what ziltus has mentioned,
> waiting for tank to do 20-30% damage before shooting. However, In my opinion
> if i shoot a mob when you are just starting on it and I kill it after he
> beats on me, although a tank type or some other caster shoots at it, I don't
> really care if you brand me a kill stealer. If I spend 30% of my mana on a
> mob instead of 80%, its not because I want to, but rather its because other
> caster are trying to blast my mob, so that they can get kill and when they
> don't get it, they get pissed and call you names again. Thats why its very
> important to get a group, since you have your own tankers tanking and you
> nuking. As for named NPC, its FFA but when you do get the kill ppl will
> curse and swear saying they waited 20 hrs for the named NPC. Well, If you
> can't get the kill yourself, get a damn caster who can nuke for you. I'm
> sick of ppl whining cos they can't get kills especially when I shoot at the
> named one and even when he comes to me, the other tanks from other groups
> continue to beat at him and expect to get kill. I myself have always grouped
> from level 16 to my current level, and there was only once when I tried to
> do solo and do what other wizards did. I must admit xp came in very fast, at
> a rate of 1 bubble per hr so I could level in a day. But the only group was
> there got pissed and one guy even wanted to duel me, a level 21 ranger. Of
> course I just ignored him and did almost 3 bubbles of xp that day. One funny
> thing later was how his group ran and zone leaving him alone fighting 2 orc
> scouts. Seeing he was about to lose, I became visible (I am invis when
> medding) and he asked for help. Of course I helped him out, but he still
> called me names later on. However that was the only time I soloed like that
> and of course it was very lonely not to mention getting tells on "Thats not
> very nice. But I don't think you care anyways" Well, hes right on I don't
> care. I once heard of a guy in Nektulos forest saying "If I can train a
> skeleton on you. Then its your problem". If that is one guy attitude, there
> must be many others who have this type of attitude too.THat happened when I
> was in Prexus server playing my necro. I myself have kenna like that, I sit
> on floor medding and suddenly 2 skeletons jump on me. I was like level 6-7
> and that meant instant death. Of course the skeletons were not spawned on me
> but rather trained on me. Since many people have this type of attitude, I
> don't see why I must care what people say. This is what I think, if a player
> steals your kills and asks for help later, by all means let him die since he
> deserves it.
> As for reputation, high level wizards are often invited into groups more
> often than not. Since you can't make EVERYONE your friend anyways, although
> its always better to have more friends than enemies. I think most people
> don't really care if you have an experience on stealing kill or not. This is
> so because if you steal kill FROM them they won't like you. But if you steal
> kill FOR them, they will all praise you and even want to group with you more
> because they know who can get the xp and who can't. However on Loot stealing
> I have seen ppl being shunt before because they loot a named NPC and run
> off, ignoring their OWN group members. Loot stealing is absolutely lame, if
> you don't wanna share your loot, DON'T GROUP and DON'T whine if you can't
> get the kill. If you want to steal kill, go make a wizard or magician or
> druid and see how hard it is to get your XP, especially at the lower levels.
> I have seen a druid which purposely did 50% of damage and let tanks finish
> it off, so that he could get the xp, and he was soloing. Another time at
> gnolls, my friend received tells from another group on how he can't get the
> kill on the named NPC because that guy had a druid friend which he claimed
> could outblast him. So my friend ask me to help him get the kill and we did
> get the named NPC. Of course this resulted in the other group being
> extremely unhappy and cursed at us. However in the end we still got what we
> wanted and the other group with nothing.
> Just my 2cents worth of opinions.
> Leshrec Kalesk'Thor, High Elf Wizard of the 6 Sixth Circle.
> Innoruuk Server
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