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Message ID: 926
Date: Thu Jul 1 15:09:42 BST 1999
Author: Synzzz
Subject: Re: Adventure Tips?
----- Original Message -----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Adventure Tips?
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> I also went thru ya stage, esp wiz lagi worse since we dun have pet to
> us and our lvl 4 spells sux when we fight with mb same lvl as us.
> Maybe I can suggest u to buy all the impt scrolls for ya next lvl, keep in
> bank and go FP for hunting. I'm now camping inside CB (ok, Crushbone, not
> ch** by* hor), and will take a boat back to FP either late tonight or
> tomorrow. U can give me a tell if u dunno the way to port. I can bring u
> there. But I guess I can't bring u along to CB trainer hill coz all orc
> cen will attack u on sight. For Einan I also keep casting invis on him,
> least he is not tat bad since he can tank quite well and his lvl higher
> than yours, hehe.
> If u prefer to stay in Faydark, u can try to go BB. There is a place with
> few stone blocks, and inside the stone blocks center is a npc merchant.
> I've been training there since lvl 7 to 9. The 4 skellies there spawn at
> fixed place and will not run ard, so pretty safe for u to kill one by one.
> H/w, the skellies r also lvl 7-9, that mean I have to team with a tank b4
> I go there. For magi, maybe ya pet can help u solo. Once u get above 9,
> try the bandit camp between the highelf and woodelf city. There r 3
> bandits there which r non-agro, but if u attack one, all 3 will come to u.
> U can bring a tank there safer. Once u get to lvl 10-11, u can try
> places like mino cave for mino slaves or BB chestboard for skeleton
> king/bishop (as a group hor).
> Personally I dun advised any caster below lvl 10 to go CB, coz the loot
> doesnt justify the trains. I myself start to go there since lvl 5, and
> died until I lost count liao. Unless u can solo a train of 3-4 orc cen
> solo an orc leg, dun bother to go there. Places like bandit camps or BB
> skellies can give better loot, better xp and most impt, better SURVIAL ;)
> Ziltus.
> p/s: Already confirmed with GM that 2nd name must be one word, but can
> separate using the ' sighn, like Ziltus de'Guailan, not bad right? Hehe.
> p/s2: Ple pray for me to get a SBS for both Einan, Trifrost and myself
> tonight. Heard from Garren now they implement the anti-camp thingy, so
> very hard to camp for item. ;(
> On Thursday, July 01, 1999 10:00 AM, Synzzz [SMTP:hannibal@...]
> wrote:
> > Hi Again Everyone,
> >
> > Oh yes...here comes that favourite newbie question....
> > " I'm currently a Lvl 7 Magician. Any tips on where to go hunting around
> this lvl?"
> > I desperately need plats and exp! (think plats come first...). I have
> only got about
> > 5 plats at lvl 7...this is pathetic right?? Have yet to even buy
> armor/weapons...
> > so far all those i use were picked up...yeah..had to scavenge orcs and
> pixies... =(
> > Of course i'm still on Fawdyer...think I'll be here awhile more...i even
> got killed by
> > Giant Spiders/Zombies in Lesser Faydark. Think i really need a lvl 8
> >
> > So back to main point...if you guys can make any recommendations...would
> be much appreciated!
> > Preferably an area in Fawdyer first..then more later =)
> >
> > BTW, I know fishing probably doesn't even come close to trade skills at
> making money...but is
> > it actually even worth trying for some cash? In Felwithe, one fish can
> sell for about 4 silver plus..
> > so ten is 4 gp. 100 is 4 plats!! Siong man.... Unless got better fishing
> ponds? Maybe got those with
> > stingray or shark? Then BBQ the stingray can charge more right?? *LOL*
> >
> > One last thing...can we actually buy and sell stuff to different towns
> and make $$$??
> >
> >
> > Hope to hear from you guys,
> > Synzzz aka Zanderion (EQ)
> >
> >
> >
> > << File: ATT00000.html >>
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