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Message ID: 918
Date: Thu Jul 1 03:00:15 BST 1999
Author: Synzzz
Subject: Adventure Tips?
Hi Again Everyone,
Oh yes...here comes that favourite newbie question....
" I'm currently a Lvl 7 Magician. Any tips on where to go hunting around this lvl?"
I desperately need plats and exp! (think plats come first...). I have only got about
5 plats at lvl 7...this is pathetic right?? Have yet to even buy armor/weapons...
so far all those i use were picked up...yeah..had to scavenge orcs and pixies... =(
Of course i'm still on Fawdyer...think I'll be here awhile more...i even got killed by
Giant Spiders/Zombies in Lesser Faydark. Think i really need a lvl 8 pet!
So back to main point...if you guys can make any recommendations...would be much appreciated!
Preferably an area in Fawdyer first..then more later =)
BTW, I know fishing probably doesn't even come close to trade skills at making money...but is
it actually even worth trying for some cash? In Felwithe, one fish can sell for about 4 silver plus..
so ten is 4 gp. 100 is 4 plats!! Siong man.... Unless got better fishing ponds? Maybe got those with
stingray or shark? Then BBQ the stingray can charge more right?? *LOL*
One last thing...can we actually buy and sell stuff to different towns and make $$$??
Hope to hear from you guys,
Synzzz aka Zanderion (EQ)