Just an update of Sereph's Brewing Guide.
1. 1 x Mend requires 1 hops, 1 malt (not barley), 1 yeast, 1 cask
2. ? x Short beer requires 1 barley, 1 hops, 1 malt, 1 cask
3. 3 x Short ale requires 1 barley, 1 hops, 1 flast of water, 1 cask
4. ? x Ogre Swill requires 1 froglok meat, 1 malt, 1 yeast, 1 cask
5. 5 x Ol 'Tujim's Fierce Brew requires 1 Yeast, 1 hops, 1 Barley, 1 Malt,
1 Cask
All ingredients (1s7c) except froglok meat and cask can be found on the
female npc merchant near West FP zone to North FP. Cask can be found
inside tavern (outside bank at North FP) at 3s5c.
Suggestion is to buy at least 20-40 sets of ingredient before you start
making brews. This will reduce the zoning time used up in buying
ingredients (West and North FP). H/w, Sereph mentioned a brew barrel in
West FP, maybe that's better in reducing traveling time. Purchasing time
can also be reduced if you have packpack on you, they are sold at the Monk
Guild at 6g4s
Based on further experiment last night, seem like we can improve the
training by abit:
Skill 0-40:
Make mend. Buy 40 sets of ingredients.
DO NOT spend any skill points on brewing if it's already in your skill list
(under Persona Screen). Just buy the ingredient and start making, your
skill will rise to 1. Seem like for low skill lvl, you skill rise by one
everytime you make a mend, whether sucess or fail.
Skill 40-65
Make short ale, Buy 40 sets of ingredient
Skill 66-max
Make Ol 'Tujim's Fierce Brew. Buy 80 sets of ingredients.
Max skill for me is 135 instead of Sereph's 138. Seem like the cap is not
fixed between 135 and 138. Maybe race and class play a part here.
Once max, continue making Ol 'Tujim's Fierce Brew. The profit may not be
attractive for high lvl players but it's definitely good money for low lvl
players, esp newbies. The max initially investment of 10pp should be more
than enough to max out skill in 2-3 hrs. I think rather than giving basic
stuffs to newbie kakis, teaching them this skill and contribute 5-8 pp for
their training shld be more than enough to get them to stand on their own
Million thx to Sereph for sharing his precious trade skill power-training
info with us ;)
All prices mentioned above may differ due to ya CHA.
On Thursday, June 24, 1999 11:57 PM, Sereph [SMTP:
> From: Sereph <garford@...>
> In 2 1/2 hours, I've reach the maximum skill level (138, can't find the
> recipe for harder drinks) and made around 20 plat
> Here's the steps I followed for those interested. All ingredients can be
> found at West Freeport. The cask in found in inns or tarven. All the
> stuff need to be place in a brew barrel. There's no need to buy that
> lousy book, just buy the ingredients and the cask.
> 1. Make sure you have 5-7plat
> 2. Dump 10 practice points into Brewing
> 3. Make Mend till you reach 40 in brewing
> Mend requires:
> 1 Hops, 1 Barley, 1 Yeast and a Cask
> You will make a lost at the time
> 4. At 40, make Ale till you reach 65
> Ale requires:
> 1 Barley, 1 Malt, a flask of Water and a Cask
> Lost will be smaller
> 5. At 65, make Ol 'Tujim's Fierce Brew till max
> Ol 'Tujim's Fierce Brew requires:
> 1 Yeast, 1 hops, 1 Barley, 1 Malt and A Cask
> You will make a lost until 80, where you start break even from the sales
> of your drinks to the bar. At 100, you will start to make money.
> Will try out pottery tomorrow and tell you people the results I get.
> Last of all, thanks Yiyang for that 5 plat donation which fund a large
> part of this "project"
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