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Message ID: 874
Date: Sun Jun 27 07:26:05 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: loc-Got Sense, u no sense?

my sense just hits 100 skills, when it was 80 is fails sometimes but rarely. i say, dont waste money on compass. keep hitting "sense" an u get diresion. understanding LOC helps lots.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sereph <garford@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Saturday, June 26, 1999 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] loc

I give up on sence direction. Still fail a good 20% at 150 skill. Rather grab a compass
LKW wrote:

From: LKW <leekw13@...>
Let me share a faster method to train sense direction ;)

Since lvl 1, when I dun have so many spells for hotkeys, I allocated sense
direction to my 3 hotkeys and reassign these hotkeys to my 3 movement keys.
So everytime I move, the skill is used. Now I need more hotkey slots, but
I still leave 1 movement key (turn right) to this skill. The skill is
quite difficult to rise in the begining but when u go beyond lvl 10, it
shld be rising pretty fast. The fastest skills I max out everytime I rise
a lvl is mediation, chanelling, evoke followed by sense direction. Just
imagine everytime u move u use this skill. ;)

Personally speaking this skill is not very useful to reach a specific
location but it's kinda useful for general travelling and something it also
help when fleeing - flee towards the exit instead of doing deeper into
dungeon ;)

If u need specific guide in using loc command, I remember there is an
article in UOVault or UOSS that give details on it. It even spells out
using a compass to teach you which direction to go in order to make better
use of loc. Oh yes, sense direction actually can combine with loc command,
coz sense skill allow u to tell which direction u r going instead of using
the testing method to tell if you are moving towards the right loc.

Lastly, loc plus sense skill do not always work 100%, coz sense skill can
be wrong sometime, plus the fact that sometime a loc is near to u but if u
follow the combo method, u cant reach the place coz of barrier like


On Saturday, June 26, 1999 1:48 PM, Entreri [SMTP:drizzt@...]
> From: "Entreri" <drizzt@...>
> U can use trial and error and turn in different directions to see which
> number goes up and goes down.
> Or use sense heading,I know this skill is hard to train but it elminates
> need for loc.For me,everytime I battle,I will press the sense heading
> so It goes up pretty nicely.
> Next Time,you just need to use sense heading and you will know which
> direction u are facing.U can use it as a lone skill or pair it with loc
> can bring u the exact place easily.
> Entreri
> Email: drizzt@...
> ICQ UIN: 2326860
> Previewer, Singularity Gaming Network
> http://www.sg-gaming.net
> Your Single Source of Everything Gaming
> .plan at
> http://www.wplan.com/cgibin/directplan.cgi?name=Entreri&viewpass=
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hans ng <nahemah@...>
> To: eq <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
> Date: Saturday, June 26, 1999 1:24 PM
> Subject: [sg-everquest] loc
> >From: hans ng <nahemah@...>
> >
> >can some1 teach me how to use tat damn thing
> >
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