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Message ID: 853
Date: Fri Jun 25 09:13:40 BST 1999
Author: LKW

Wah, so fast wanna get runed totem staff ah? FBR somemore, I heard the
market price for this robe is ard 200k pp, is it true?

FYI someone named something like Binnini is selling that staff at 15pp in
ec and ro. My magi friend just got one from him last night, damn cheap.
Watch out for the shout between 9pm to 12am midnight. This guy has been
selling this staff (he got a few I think) for the past 2 nights.

On Friday, June 25, 1999 12:43 PM, Entreri [SMTP:drizzt@...]
> Someone please help me with a tradeskill...need pp ASAP..hehe..Circle 3
spells already giving me a headache plus I got more things in my shopping
list,Ruined totem staff and flowing black robe..hehe
> Anyway,Sereph yesterday u say can make 2pp/10mins!Today must teach me!!
> Nalfien
> Archmage of the Arcane Academy..hehe
> Entreri
> Email: drizzt@...
> ICQ UIN: 2326860
> Previewer, Singularity Gaming Network
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