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Message ID: 842
Date: Thu Jun 24 16:57:16 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Update to Brewing
In 2 1/2 hours, I've reach the maximum skill level (138, can't find the
recipe for harder drinks) and made around 20 plat
Here's the steps I followed for those interested. All ingredients can be
found at West Freeport. The cask in found in inns or tarven. All the
stuff need to be place in a brew barrel. There's no need to buy that
lousy book, just buy the ingredients and the cask.
1. Make sure you have 5-7plat
2. Dump 10 practice points into Brewing
3. Make Mend till you reach 40 in brewing
Mend requires:
1 Hops, 1 Barley, 1 Yeast and a Cask
You will make a lost at the time
4. At 40, make Ale till you reach 65
Ale requires:
1 Barley, 1 Malt, a flask of Water and a Cask
Lost will be smaller
5. At 65, make Ol 'Tujim's Fierce Brew till max
Ol 'Tujim's Fierce Brew requires:
1 Yeast, 1 hops, 1 Barley, 1 Malt and A Cask
You will make a lost until 80, where you start break even from the sales
of your drinks to the bar. At 100, you will start to make money.
Will try out pottery tomorrow and tell you people the results I get.
Last of all, thanks Yiyang for that 5 plat donation which fund a large
part of this "project"