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Message ID: 828
Date: Thu Jun 24 11:26:15 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Re: A very sad story (and one that made me very pissed off)

Is Phenix a human melee player? I remember teaming with a guy name similar
and he is the KNN CCB PCB HGK who loot everything whenever he got the
chance even thou we all agreed to do alpha loot b4 the hunt. I think there
are always bastards and looters everywhere, whether in UO or EQ. My style
is simple - steal kill from these bastards. These few days I've been
hunting solo in Ro Derv Camp, and there are always 1-3 groups who hunting
at the same camp. As a weak wiz, I can easily used up my mana for every
cutt I killed. Fine, so I will climb to the mountain and med, occasionally
stand up and see what are the other guys doing. So far it's kinda normal
that other parties will get at least 1 kills b4 I come down from the
mountain with full mana, if not 2 kills per groups. Yet many players still
got the cheek to attack my kill. Simple right? It's so obvious to rotate
kills with just 2-3 groups, but there is forever cock-face who 'blur blur'
rush ahead and attacking the cutt. What I will just do is to wait, wait
till they hurt the monster by 30-40%, then I start to nuke and steal the
kill. Hehe, this is something I like most about wiz - nuking - swift as
wind, hehe. And most of the time they will learn to share after the lesson
- sometime it's kinda surprised to see how these players suddently turn so
'alert' and finally know whose's kill is the next spawn, LOL.

Another occasion I was hunting with a ranger (both solo), a 3 men group
come and ask to take turn to kill. Fine with me, no harm share abit.
However, once the ranger and the group each take a kill, the group attack
the 3rd monsters when I was abt to root&nuke! WTF??! I heck care and
start nuking what is rightfully mine. Within 10 sec the cutt is down and I
go and loot it. Guess wat? I receive a tell from a DE from the group
saying something like this "WTF YOU IDIOT KILL STEALER, THAT KILL IS OUR!!
YOU DICK HEAD!!" Pardon me WTF? They just tool a kill and they shout at
me for stealing their kill? Hehe, so I start to quarrel with that guy and
realised that what he meant by 'sharing' in the first place is to let
EVERYONE at the camp to take a kill! That mean - if it's a 6 men team, I
will have to wait for them to kill 6 times b4 I get mine, hehe. Kinda
shocked, but can anyone on the list enlighten me - is this the way EQ share
kills? I myself so far join several groups but none practice this. Maybe
I'm wrong but it really sound kinda funny to me ;)


On Thursday, June 24, 1999 5:44 PM, Gary Qui Hong Loong
[SMTP:kanglun@...] wrote:
> From: Gary Qui Hong Loong <kanglun@...>
> 2 days ago, I was at Befallen hunting for a BBC (which I don't need,
> just wanna get one to sell of cash, I'm broke. Trust me, even when u
> reach my lvl, u will still be struggling for $$$). The party consist of
> Garren (ie me), Ironbuket, Iyenya, Senorn and Phenix. We were lucky that
> the first Troll SK we killed had the BBC. That was the end of the good
> part. Phenix then immediately stole the BBC and refuses to pass over the
> BBC to me (funny thing was that they agreed to do alpha loot and my name
> ended up as first. But I did said that the group can buy the BBC and
> I'll spilt the cash with the group). And when he (ie Phenix) tried to
> run out of Befallen, he died. Okie, that would have been end of story.
> Guy looted group BBC and died on his way out, and loses his stuff. But,
> we're kind hearted enough to help him to get his stuff back. Then his
> friend Senorn was given permission to loot his corpse. Okie, letting his
> friend Senorn loot the Phenix is almost as good as losing the BBC. They
> are friends. But, dued to some lag and wierd shit, Senorn dropped his
> SBH, and lost the BBC too. Now, Iyenya picked up the SBH. Okie, so we
> gotten the SBH instead of the BBC, well it's better than nothing. But,
> we didn't sell it. We held on to it and see who claim to lose his SBH.
> Both Phenix and Senorn claimed to have dropped the SBH and both claimed
> that each other had the BBC. But, why did I choose to believe that
> Phenix had stolen the BBC (the 2nd time and also con the SBH off Iyenya,
> which is likely to belong to Senorn)? B'cos when I went down to Oasis
> and asked 1 day later, ppl beside him said that he's holding a BBC. I
> started to taunt him (PRICK was about the kindest thing I said about
> him) and challenged him to a duel which Phenix refused. One thing I'm
> saying is that I'll never ever want to be in a group with Phenix (who
> stole the group BBC and stole/sold his friend Senorn SBH, which Senorn
> (a warrior) had to sell off his armor to get another SBH). So if you
> ever have to band with Phenix, think again.
> --
> Gary Qui Hong Loong
> Technical Support Executive
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