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Message ID: 817
Date: Thu Jun 24 10:48:36 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: Guild- Qui H'oom Dai website-Singapore

Sereph have an excellent idea there.
Having an Officer will co-ordinate events and some PR stuff for us
This will benefit not only us but the whole guild too.
I however do not see a need to have a "spliting" of the guild. Maybe i
understand diffrently. forgive me.
With the exiting structure in Qui H'oom Dai, we only need to contribute and
enchance it and not to "split" it to a Singapore typo.
A "international" guild is much more attractive.
With our diverse skills and resourses, im confident that we can help on the
web pages, special events, etc.
Now, we have another "loban" in Singularity.Thx to Sereph again.

Concerning Officer, Im proposing the following ppl to be in:
Sereph, Garren and Entreri .
why? this ppl has the "fire", web knowhow and connections and most important
of all....THEY play the game day and Nite! (get a life man :P ) ..j/l\k
Being avaiable is important , an officer need to be acessable.(and of
course, we need to blame and hang someone when thing go wrong, they should
be good bait for luring the Griffin too)
wheather we have one officer or three, we leave that to the guild leaders

Please lets have some further inputs on this , suggestions and ideas pls.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sereph <garford@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 1:18 AM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Guild- Qui H'oom Dai website

>From: Sereph <garford@...>
>I've got a proposition, mind asking the guild to set aside a seperate
>for us and appointing one of you guys who join earlier as an official?
>I ask this because if we all join in, the S'porean porpulation in there
>be quite huge and will grow furthur in the future. Spliting the guild into
>can aid in co-ordinating events easier since we have this list in addition
>whatever form of communication they used and will make grouping easier too
>If this work out, I stop yakking the fact that WE NEED A CLERIC!!!
>Alex wrote:
>> From: "Alex" <leealex@...>
>> Qui H'hoom Dai website
>> http://www.fanaticz.com/qhd/
>> the "qhd" is a Qhd not a "G".
>> the site is simple not complete, hey u guys could help him do a better
>> :)
>> Yiyang'ing for Squad Ring
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