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Message ID: 785
Date: Wed Jun 23 06:36:32 BST 1999
Author: Leshrec
Subject: Re: Getting a starter kit...
>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>Come to freeport, I will provided u with full clothes armor & stave, plus
>binding somemore ;)
>Oh, as a DE, I suggest u train in 2H blunt weap (ie 2H stave), since u dun
>need an extra hand to carry lantern and stuffs. Also dun bother to spend
>any points on ya magery skills, they are already available on ya personal
>skill list. Also dun spend any points on piercing (ie dagger) skill. The
>only time u need to spend ya skill points is when u get a worn great stave.
> Spend just 1 point on 2H blunt and keep the rest for future. I was conned
>by the net stating that we need to spend a point in magery skills, which I
>tested to prove it wrong using my gnome wiz. We dun have to train in it,
>just keep casting in town will do. Most impt thing is once u start ya
>char, train ya magery skills to lvl ceiling, u will automatically get
>improvement on these skills. Do the lvl ceiling training everytime u gain
>a lvl. For magery classes, our lvl ceiling is (lvl+1)X5. Eg lvl 1 ceiling
>is skill 10, lvl 2 is skill 15 etc. For melee our lvl ceiling is
>(lvl+1)X3. During lvl 1-4, it doesnt matter if ya piercing skill is zero,
>u can gain lvl easily - just endure until u can get a 2H stave and start
>training it. Once u reach lvl 4, spend another skill point on mediation.
> The rest dun bother - keep the skill points until u wanna learn a trade
>skills or special magery skill like research or specialization.
>Remember Dragco from our UO allies TAA? Tat chap get his lvl 11 wiz in
>just a week in other server, so hard to pull him over to innoruuk now ;(
>p/s: Maybe I also start a DE char with u and test play it, provided I got
>time ;)
>On Wednesday, June 23, 1999 8:31 AM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
>[SMTP:sccheng@...] wrote:
>> hi,
>> i will most likely be starting out this coming weekend... although im
>still expecting the game (but should be here quite soon)... just wondering
>if any of u guys will be kind enough to donate some freebies to a newbie
>with a starter kit? Some armor will be good... a staff will be even
>better... heee... n gold... all the more even better... kekekekke...
>> cheers,
>> Fred
>> p/s : after all the discussion... i think i will stick to my Dark Elf
>Necromancer.... hehee... know its gonna be hard... but thast what i think
>will be most interesting... :)
>> SC Cheng, Freddy
>> Mobile-Internet Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory,
>> NTT DoCoMo R&D Center C212,
>> 3-5, Hikari no Oka, Yokosuka-Shi,
>> Kanagawa, 239-8536, Japan
>> Tel : +81 468-40-3497
>> Fax: +81 468-40-3788
>> Email : sccheng@...
>> << File: ATT00006.htm >> << File: Cheng, Shan Chieh.vcf >>
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