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Message ID: 757
Date: Tue Jun 22 18:21:36 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Guild- Qui H'oom Dai website

I've got a proposition, mind asking the guild to set aside a seperate division
for us and appointing one of you guys who join earlier as an official?

I ask this because if we all join in, the S'porean porpulation in there will
be quite huge and will grow furthur in the future. Spliting the guild into 2
can aid in co-ordinating events easier since we have this list in addition to
whatever form of communication they used and will make grouping easier too

If this work out, I stop yakking the fact that WE NEED A CLERIC!!!

Alex wrote:

> From: "Alex" <leealex@...>
> Qui H'hoom Dai website
> http://www.fanaticz.com/qhd/
> the "qhd" is a Qhd not a "G".
> the site is simple not complete, hey u guys could help him do a better job
> :)
> Yiyang'ing for Squad Ring
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