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Message ID: 2265
Date: Wed Sep 1 00:14:22 BST 1999
Author: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
Subject: Re: One more thing.

err... avoid all the good druids hehe... except for unkempt druids (bad
ones)... but u can repair your faction with the good druids by killing the
unkempt druids from level 30+ thast what i heard at least...

p/s : suppose to play all nite yesterday.. but end up sleeping... looks like
im starting to loose abit of interest in this game... or perhaps im playing
too hard... had a look at diablo2.. looks impressive... anyone know when is
it coming out? im sure u need to buy original this time to play on bnet...
----- Original Message -----
From: Tommy Fong <tommyfong@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 8:37 PM
Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] One more thing.

> From: "Tommy Fong" <tommyfong@...>
> On Tue, 31 Aug 1999 10:31:06 +0800, LKW wrote:
> >house grp is more efficient since everyone in grp will gain faction. I
> >only worry tat the faction only affect Qeynos citizen & guards but not
> >druids...
> Sure. I am still worry about the druid and those treefolk(wtf are they?).
BTW, do we
> have to go near the druid in the future? I think this is more important.
> Good Hunting,
> FlyingFox Everest, Magician at his 31
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