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Message ID: 2254
Date: Tue Aug 31 03:17:22 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Robe of Oracle

Any idea what's the patch abt?

Anyway I only see pple selling ROO at 600pp in GF once, too bad no money at
tat time. I think FBR can still last me to lvl 35 or 40, until I can get
the ROO by fighitng or by quest. Anyone know the full quest for ROO???

Also, wat's the market rate for SOW?

On Tuesday, 31 August, 1999 1:25 AM, Synzzz [SMTP:hannibal@...]
> And it's DOWNtime..not up like they said..how much dumber can they get?
No wonder they always need patches!
> Ok..its like 1:20 am now and the servers only been down 15 mins or
so..doubt i'll get to play liao..always like that
> Damn %&^%(#$%%@#$~@$^%%$&^(&*_*()@~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Ok..on to in game stuff....anyone care to let us know how to get Glove of
Gatecaller Quest? No idea who to go to for it.
> Also any idea on price of Oracle Robe? Zilt said he got offer of 600pp
before..but i never saw any one selling it so far
> They are definitely much less common than FBR and i believe resale value
will be there for quite long..so i don't mind buying
> one for 600pp actually...hmmm
> Looks like now our guild is officially a tree-killers guild..All happily
tree killing in SK.
> Feel like changing my last name..any opinions? Zanderion Stormseeker to
> 1. Zanderion Solstar
> or
> 2. Zanderion Anastar
> or
> 3. Zanderion Stormstar ??
> Hehe any ideas? dont gimme those not serious ones lah..don't want guniang
or watever hehehehe...
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