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Message ID: 2251
Date: Mon Aug 30 18:25:23 BST 1999
Author: Synzzz
Subject: Oh it's a 2hr uptime estimate! DOH..they can't even get that right!
And it's DOWNtime..not up like they said..how much dumber can they get? No wonder they always need patches!
Ok..its like 1:20 am now and the servers only been down 15 mins or so..doubt i'll get to play liao..always like that
Damn %&^%(#$%%@#$~@$^%%$&^(&*_*()@~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok..on to in game stuff....anyone care to let us know how to get Glove of Gatecaller Quest? No idea who to go to for it.
Also any idea on price of Oracle Robe? Zilt said he got offer of 600pp before..but i never saw any one selling it so far
They are definitely much less common than FBR and i believe resale value will be there for quite long..so i don't mind buying
one for 600pp actually...hmmm
Looks like now our guild is officially a tree-killers guild..All happily tree killing in SK.
Feel like changing my last name..any opinions? Zanderion Stormseeker to maybe
1. Zanderion Solstar
2. Zanderion Anastar
3. Zanderion Stormstar ??
Hehe any ideas? dont gimme those not serious ones lah..don't want guniang or watever hehehehe...