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Message ID: 2243
Date: Fri Jul 30 11:07:38 BST 1999
Author: Chow Kah Mun
Subject: Re: Need help...

Well, you can do Kodiaks and Young Kodiaks in Western Commons or Eastern
Commons. But you have to be careful of Hill Giants, Derv express trains and
Griffons. Alternatively, you can go to Oasis to hunt crocodiles and caimens.
Again you have to be wary of the Sand Giants and Lockjaw.

Kalandra Runeweaver Lv 21 Magi
Avengeline Lv 14 warrior

Ebon Praetor wrote:

> From: "Ebon Praetor" <kelc@...>
> I need some tips from you guys...
> As of now, I am still stuck at Level 17, and going nowhere fast. I've
> just tried to solo some aviaks in SK, but I lost half a bubble trying
> to take on darters, and egrets give peanuts for xp.
> The darters hit too hard, and I can hardly get in a spell, and my
> crappy pet can't tank for nuts, even though it's a level 16 spell.
> I need suggestions for a safe place for a level 17 Enchanter to solo,
> with steady xp, even if it's slow.
> --
> Love is in the air...
> Get me a gas mask, quick!!!
> Cya,
> Praetor
> Praetor@...
> ICQ 1767778
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