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Message ID: 2235
Date: Mon Aug 30 08:59:14 BST 1999
Author: Leshrec
Subject: Re: One more thing.

Yeah I agree that erudite makes the best wiz if you don't have money
problems, since high level wiz DON'T melee at all, our staffs hit for max 10
damage and maybe 20 if staff of observers, Now why would we do that if we
can hit for 38 damage a pop using lower level spells. Erudites also have
very high int, the other day i was at erudin and heard they boasting about
having 200int... I myself with all the int barang barang only 160int...In
fact, agility and dex don't become important anymore at high level for wiz
unless you intend to tank them yourself =) As for concerning regaining
concentration after getting hit, even if you dex high, high level monsters
hit u few times also die, not much difference...
-----Original Message-----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: 'sg-everquest@onelist.com' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 1:30 PM
Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] One more thing.

>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>Oh oh, u must also know this.... ;)
>FYI, at high lvl, we wiz use mid-lvl spells for "melee" - like Les and me,
>one hand hold Black Book with Silver Rune, the other holding Glowing Stein,
>where got time for STA, DEX and AGI? Hehe. U can also buy a coldstone from
>magi and put it in ya ammo slot - got ultravision liao. PLUS, the fact
>that u can bank tat coldstone using the bag trick and hold it
>forever...simi is ultravision huh? Easy lah, hehe.
>So in the end, Erudite wiz still the most powerful nuker. And due to the
>coldstone thing, gnome wiz is still better than DE wiz, they got even
>higher DEX and AGI, plus they can do tinkering...no forgetting gnome and
>dwarf r the only true neutral races in EQ which wont get KOS from any race
>from the start and can use bank/shop services in all good races cities. ;)
>On Monday, 30 August, 1999 12:01 PM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
>[SMTP:sccheng@...] wrote:
>> hehe.. one more thing...
>> ziltus u must hear this.. Dark Elf with max INT into it is 134 and 80 on
>STA... they also have high DEX and AGI... so i think they are better than
>gnome n erudite since they also have utravision.
>> thast all for now.. hehe...
>> Nic or Freed
>> SC Cheng, Freddy
>> Mobile-Internet Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory,
>> NTT DoCoMo R&D Center S103,
>> 3-5, Hikari no Oka, Yokosuka-Shi,
>> Kanagawa, 239-8536, Japan
>> Tel : +81 468-40-3497
>> Fax: +81 468-40-3788
>> Email : sccheng@...
>> << File: ATT00005.html >> << File: Cheng, Shan Chieh.vcf >>
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