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Message ID: 2218
Date: Mon Aug 30 02:24:40 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Need help...

Hmm, not very sure abt enchanter but it's not easy to solo for wiz at lvl
17. What I did is to hunt orcs in a grp with some kakis, at HH pass.
Decent xp and loot, plus the fact tat zone is nearby. Surviving is more
impt than taking risk for higher xp. Once died, hrs of effort can be gone.

Oasis croc is another good place which I heard from others, but didnt do it
myself, mainly due to lousy loot (orc give better loot) and SG roaming ard
(suay suay kena hit to death, all effort will be gone again).


On Friday, 27 August, 1999 4:19 PM, Ebon Praetor [SMTP:kelc@...]
> From: "Ebon Praetor" <kelc@...>
> I need some tips from you guys...
> As of now, I am still stuck at Level 17, and going nowhere fast. I've
> just tried to solo some aviaks in SK, but I lost half a bubble trying
> to take on darters, and egrets give peanuts for xp.
> The darters hit too hard, and I can hardly get in a spell, and my
> crappy pet can't tank for nuts, even though it's a level 16 spell.
> I need suggestions for a safe place for a level 17 Enchanter to solo,
> with steady xp, even if it's slow.
> --
> Love is in the air...
> Get me a gas mask, quick!!!
> Cya,
> Praetor
> Praetor@...
> ICQ 1767778
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