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Message ID: 2188
Date: Fri Aug 27 07:59:56 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Introduction

95% of us play in Innoruuk server. One chao-ah-aqua got a lvl 49 enchanter
in CT server but he still managed to train a lvl 20 plus cleric & a lvl 20
plus bard in Innoruuk in a short time. Why? Becoz all kakis very close and
helpful. We even intend to start a SG guild and accept mainly local kakis
and those trust-worthy friends from other nations. We also got a big rich
guy in Innoruuk who can extend any financial loan service to you. ;-P

How come u are still in EM server???

Ziltus Planeswalker

On Friday, 27 August, 1999 1:52 PM, Terence Tan Kar Chuan
[SMTP:hawklair@...] wrote:
> From: "Terence Tan Kar Chuan" <hawklair@...>
> Hi, my name is Terence and I am from Singapore too. I am so happy that I
> could find a local EQ mailing list. Just want to know what server are u
> guys/gals playing on? My main character is on the Errollisi Marr. If you
> happen to be on the same server as me, we could have a game or not this
> coming weekend.
> *************************************
> Xaylar
> Human Ranger of 18th Order
> Errolisi Marr
> *************************************
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> Singapore Everquest Players List